This is the complete list of members for IceModel, including all inherited members.
AcceptableRfexit(const Vector &nsurf_rfexit, const Position &rfexit, const Vector &n_exit2rx) (defined in IceModel) | IceModel | |
Area(double latitude) (defined in IceModel) | IceModel | protected |
area (defined in EarthModel) | EarthModel | protected |
average_iceth (defined in EarthModel) | EarthModel | protected |
bedmap_nu (defined in IceModel) | IceModel | |
bedmap_R (defined in IceModel) | IceModel | |
cart_ice_bot (defined in IceModel) | IceModel | protected |
cart_ice_file (defined in IceModel) | IceModel | protected |
cart_ice_top (defined in IceModel) | IceModel | protected |
cart_max_z (defined in IceModel) | IceModel | protected |
cart_min_z (defined in IceModel) | IceModel | protected |
cart_resolution (defined in IceModel) | IceModel | protected |
CartesianIsInIce(double x, double y, double z) (defined in IceModel) | IceModel | |
cellSize (defined in IceModel) | IceModel | |
COASTLINE (defined in EarthModel) | EarthModel | protectedstatic |
CONSTANTCRUST (defined in EarthModel) | EarthModel | protected |
CONSTANTICETHICKNESS (defined in EarthModel) | EarthModel | protected |
CreateCartesianTopAndBottom(int resolution, bool force_new=false) (defined in IceModel) | IceModel | |
CreateHorizons(Settings *settings1, Balloon *bn1, double theta_bn, double phi_bn, double altitude_bn, ofstream &foutput) (defined in IceModel) | IceModel | |
crustthkarray (defined in EarthModel) | EarthModel | protected |
DEPTH_DEPENDENT_N (defined in IceModel) | IceModel | protected |
dGetPhi(int ilon) (defined in EarthModel) | EarthModel | protected |
dGetTheta(int itheta) (defined in EarthModel) | EarthModel | protected |
EARTH_MODEL (defined in EarthModel) | EarthModel | protected |
EarthCurvature(double *array, double depth_temp) (defined in EarthModel) | EarthModel | |
EarthModel(int model=0, int WEIGHTABSORPTION_SETTING=1) (defined in EarthModel) | EarthModel | |
easting_inhorizon (defined in IceModel) | IceModel | protected |
EffectiveAttenuationLength(Settings *settings1, const Position &pos, const int &whichray) (defined in IceModel) | IceModel | |
elevationarray (defined in EarthModel) | EarthModel | protected |
ENtoLonLat(int e_coord, int n_coord, double xLowerLeft, double yLowerLeft, double &lon, double &lat) (defined in IceModel) | IceModel | protected |
FillArraysforTree(double lon_ground[1068][869], double lat_ground[1068][869], double lon_ice[1200][1000], double lat_ice[1200][1000], double lon_water[1200][1000], double lat_water[1200][1000]) (defined in IceModel) | IceModel | |
FIXEDELEVATION (defined in EarthModel) | EarthModel | protected |
FLATSURFACE (defined in EarthModel) | EarthModel | protected |
geoid (defined in EarthModel) | EarthModel | protected |
Geoid(double latitude) (defined in EarthModel) | EarthModel | virtual |
Geoid(const Position &pos) (defined in EarthModel) | EarthModel | virtual |
GEOID_MAX (defined in EarthModel) | EarthModel | protectedstatic |
GEOID_MIN (defined in EarthModel) | EarthModel | protectedstatic |
GeoidIntersection(Vector x0, Vector p0, Position *int1, Position *int2, double extra_height=5500, double *ds=0) const | EarthModel | |
GetBalloonPositionWeight(int ibnpos) (defined in IceModel) | IceModel | |
GetCartesianBottom() const (defined in IceModel) | IceModel | inline |
GetCartesianTop() const (defined in IceModel) | IceModel | inline |
Getchord(bool unbiased_selection, double len_int_kgm2, const Position &earth_in, double distance_in_ice, bool include_ice_absorption, const Position &posnu, int inu, double &chord, double &probability_tmp, double &weight1_tmp, double &nearthlayers, double myair, double &total_kgm2, int &crust_entered, int &mantle_entered, int &core_entered) (defined in EarthModel) | EarthModel | |
getchord_method (defined in EarthModel) | EarthModel | protectedstatic |
GetDensity(double altitude, const Position earth_in, int &crust_entered, bool *inice=0) (defined in EarthModel) | EarthModel | |
GetIceIntersectionsCartesian(const Position &posnu, const Vector &nnu, std::vector< std::pair< double, double > > &intersections, double initial_step_size=50, int map_resolution=2000) (defined in IceModel) | IceModel | |
GetILonILat(const Position &, int &ilon, int &ilat) (defined in EarthModel) | EarthModel | protected |
GetLat(double theta) (defined in EarthModel) | EarthModel | protected |
GetLon(double phi) (defined in EarthModel) | EarthModel | protected |
GetMAXHORIZON(Balloon *bn1) (defined in IceModel) | IceModel | |
GetN(double depth) (defined in IceModel) | IceModel | |
GetN(const Position &pos) (defined in IceModel) | IceModel | |
getSampleX() const (defined in IceModel) | IceModel | inline |
getSampleY() const (defined in IceModel) | IceModel | inline |
GetSurfaceNormal(const Position &r_out) (defined in IceModel) | IceModel | |
GroundENtoLonLat(int e, int n, double &lon, double &lat) (defined in IceModel) | IceModel | |
h_ground_elevation (defined in IceModel) | IceModel | |
h_ice_thickness (defined in IceModel) | IceModel | |
h_water_depth (defined in IceModel) | IceModel | |
hardseddensityarray (defined in EarthModel) | EarthModel | protected |
hardsedr (defined in EarthModel) | EarthModel | protected |
hardsedthkarray (defined in EarthModel) | EarthModel | protected |
ice_area (defined in EarthModel) | EarthModel | |
ice_model (defined in IceModel) | IceModel | protected |
icedensityarray (defined in EarthModel) | EarthModel | protected |
IceENtoLonLat(int e, int n, double &lon, double &lat) (defined in IceModel) | IceModel | |
IceModel(int model=0, int earth_mode=0, int WEIGHTABSORPTION_SETTING=1) (defined in IceModel) | IceModel | |
IceOnWater(const Position &postition) (defined in IceModel) | IceModel | |
icer (defined in EarthModel) | EarthModel | protected |
IceThickness(double lon, double lat) (defined in IceModel) | IceModel | virtual |
IceThickness(const Position &pos) (defined in IceModel) | IceModel | virtual |
icethkarray (defined in EarthModel) | EarthModel | protected |
ILAT_COASTLINE (defined in EarthModel) | EarthModel | protectedstatic |
ilat_inhorizon (defined in IceModel) | IceModel | protected |
ilon_inhorizon (defined in IceModel) | IceModel | protected |
InFirn(const Position &pos) (defined in EarthModel) | EarthModel | virtual |
LongtoPhi_0is180thMeridian(double longitude) (defined in EarthModel) | EarthModel | static |
LongtoPhi_0isPrimeMeridian(double longitude) (defined in EarthModel) | EarthModel | static |
LonLattoEN(double lon, double lat, double &E, double &N) (defined in IceModel) | IceModel | |
lowercrustdensityarray (defined in EarthModel) | EarthModel | protected |
lowercrustr (defined in EarthModel) | EarthModel | protected |
lowercrustthkarray (defined in EarthModel) | EarthModel | protected |
max_icethk_perbin (defined in EarthModel) | EarthModel | |
max_icevol_perbin (defined in EarthModel) | EarthModel | |
MAXTHETA (defined in EarthModel) | EarthModel | protectedstatic |
maxvol_inhorizon (defined in IceModel) | IceModel | protected |
middlecrustdensityarray (defined in EarthModel) | EarthModel | protected |
middlecrustr (defined in EarthModel) | EarthModel | protected |
middlecrustthkarray (defined in EarthModel) | EarthModel | protected |
MIN_ALTITUDE_CRUST (defined in EarthModel) | EarthModel | protected |
nCols_ground (defined in IceModel) | IceModel | |
nCols_ice (defined in IceModel) | IceModel | |
nCols_water (defined in IceModel) | IceModel | |
NLAT (defined in EarthModel) | EarthModel | protectedstatic |
NLON (defined in EarthModel) | EarthModel | protectedstatic |
NODATA (defined in IceModel) | IceModel | |
northing_inhorizon (defined in IceModel) | IceModel | protected |
NPHI (defined in EarthModel) | EarthModel | protectedstatic |
nRows_ground (defined in IceModel) | IceModel | |
nRows_ice (defined in IceModel) | IceModel | |
nRows_water (defined in IceModel) | IceModel | |
OutsideAntarctica(const Position &pos) (defined in IceModel) | IceModel | |
OutsideAntarctica(double lat) (defined in IceModel) | IceModel | |
phistep (defined in EarthModel) | EarthModel | protected |
PickBalloonPosition() (defined in IceModel) | IceModel | |
PickInteractionLocation(int ibnposition, Settings *settings1, const Position &rbn, Interaction *interaction1) (defined in IceModel) | IceModel | |
PickPosnuForaLonLat(double lon, double lat, double theta, double phi) (defined in EarthModel) | EarthModel | protected |
PickUnbiased(Interaction *interaction1, double len_int_kgm2, double &position_weight, double chord_step, Vector *force_dir=0) (defined in IceModel) | IceModel | |
PickUnbiasedPointSourceNearBalloon(Interaction *interaction1, const Position *balloon_position, double max_ps_distance, double chord_step, double len_int_kgm2, const Vector *force_dir=0) (defined in IceModel) | IceModel | |
R_EARTH (defined in EarthModel) | EarthModel | static |
radii (defined in EarthModel) | EarthModel | |
ReadCrust(string) (defined in EarthModel) | EarthModel | protected |
ReadGroundBed() (defined in IceModel) | IceModel | protected |
ReadIceThickness() (defined in IceModel) | IceModel | protected |
ReadWaterDepth() (defined in IceModel) | IceModel | protected |
RockSurface(double lon, double lat) (defined in EarthModel) | EarthModel | virtual |
RockSurface(const Position &pos) (defined in EarthModel) | EarthModel | virtual |
RonneIceShelf(const Position &position) (defined in IceModel) | IceModel | |
RossExcept(const Position &position) (defined in IceModel) | IceModel | |
RossIceShelf(const Position &position) (defined in IceModel) | IceModel | |
sample_x (defined in IceModel) | IceModel | protected |
sample_y (defined in IceModel) | IceModel | protected |
SmearPhi(int ilon, double rand) (defined in EarthModel) | EarthModel | protected |
SmearTheta(int ilat, double rand) (defined in EarthModel) | EarthModel | protected |
softseddensityarray (defined in EarthModel) | EarthModel | protected |
softsedr (defined in EarthModel) | EarthModel | protected |
softsedthkarray (defined in EarthModel) | EarthModel | protected |
Surface(double lon, double lat) (defined in IceModel) | IceModel | virtual |
Surface(const Position &pos) (defined in IceModel) | IceModel | virtual |
SurfaceAboveGeoid(double lon, double lat) (defined in IceModel) | IceModel | virtual |
SurfaceAboveGeoid(const Position &pos) (defined in IceModel) | IceModel | virtual |
SurfaceDeepIce(const Position &pos) (defined in EarthModel) | EarthModel | virtual |
surfacer (defined in EarthModel) | EarthModel | protected |
thetastep (defined in EarthModel) | EarthModel | protected |
uppercrustdensityarray (defined in EarthModel) | EarthModel | protected |
uppercrustr (defined in EarthModel) | EarthModel | protected |
uppercrustthkarray (defined in EarthModel) | EarthModel | protected |
volume (defined in EarthModel) | EarthModel | |
volume_inhorizon (defined in IceModel) | IceModel | |
volume_inhorizon_average (defined in IceModel) | IceModel | protected |
waterdensityarray (defined in EarthModel) | EarthModel | protected |
WaterDepth(double lon, double lat) (defined in IceModel) | IceModel | virtual |
WaterDepth(const Position &pos) (defined in IceModel) | IceModel | virtual |
WaterENtoLonLat(int e, int n, double &lon, double &lat) (defined in IceModel) | IceModel | |
waterr (defined in EarthModel) | EarthModel | protected |
waterthkarray (defined in EarthModel) | EarthModel | protected |
weightabsorption (defined in EarthModel) | EarthModel | protected |
WestLand(const Position &pos) (defined in IceModel) | IceModel | |
WhereDoesItEnter(const Position &posnu, const Vector &nnu) (defined in EarthModel) | EarthModel | |
WhereDoesItEnterIce(const Position &posnu, const Vector &nnu, double stepsize, Position &r_enterice) (defined in IceModel) | IceModel | |
WhereDoesItExitIce(const Position &posnu, const Vector &nnu, double stepsize, Position &r_enterice) (defined in IceModel) | IceModel | |
WhereDoesItExitIceForward(const Position &posnu, const Vector &nnu, double stepsize, Position &r_enterice) (defined in IceModel) | IceModel | |
xLowerLeft_ground (defined in IceModel) | IceModel | |
xLowerLeft_ice (defined in IceModel) | IceModel | |
xLowerLeft_water (defined in IceModel) | IceModel | |
yLowerLeft_ground (defined in IceModel) | IceModel | |
yLowerLeft_ice (defined in IceModel) | IceModel | |
yLowerLeft_water (defined in IceModel) | IceModel | |
~EarthModel() (defined in EarthModel) | EarthModel | virtual |
~IceModel() (defined in IceModel) | IceModel | virtual |