This is the complete list of members for TGraphAligned, including all inherited members.
adopt(const TGraphAligned *g) (defined in TGraphAligned) | TGraphAligned | |
Allocate(Int_t newsize) (defined in TGraphAligned) | TGraphAligned | inlineprotected |
AllocateAlignedArrays(Int_t Narrays, Int_t arraySize) (defined in TGraphAligned) | TGraphAligned | protectedvirtual |
ClassDef(TGraphAligned, 1) (defined in TGraphAligned) | TGraphAligned | protected |
CopyAndRelease(Double_t **newarrays, Int_t ibegin, Int_t iend, Int_t obegin) (defined in TGraphAligned) | TGraphAligned | protectedvirtual |
CtorAllocate(void) (defined in TGraphAligned) | TGraphAligned | protectedvirtual |
dBize(double mindB=-200) (defined in TGraphAligned) | TGraphAligned | |
getMeanAndRMS(Double_t *mean, Double_t *rms, Int_t istart=0, Int_t iend=-1) const (defined in TGraphAligned) | TGraphAligned | |
getMoments(int i, double origin, double *moments=0) const (defined in TGraphAligned) | TGraphAligned | |
getSumV2(Int_t istart=0, Int_t iend=-1) const (defined in TGraphAligned) | TGraphAligned | |
GetX() const (defined in TGraphAligned) | TGraphAligned | inline |
GetY() const (defined in TGraphAligned) | TGraphAligned | inline |
operator=(const TGraphAligned &) (defined in TGraphAligned) | TGraphAligned | |
peakVal(Int_t *location=0, Int_t istart=0, Int_t iend=-1, bool abs=false) const (defined in TGraphAligned) | TGraphAligned | |
pk2pk(Int_t nthMax=0, Int_t nthMin=0, Int_t *location_max=0, Int_t *location_min=0, Int_t istart=0, Int_t iend=-1) const (defined in TGraphAligned) | TGraphAligned | |
setBelow(double val, bool abso=true, double to=0) (defined in TGraphAligned) | TGraphAligned | |
setPlottingLimits(double mult=1.1, bool sym=true, double dt_from_peak=-1) (defined in TGraphAligned) | TGraphAligned | |
shift(int nsamples, bool zero=true) (defined in TGraphAligned) | TGraphAligned | |
TGraphAligned() | TGraphAligned | |
TGraphAligned(Int_t n) | TGraphAligned | |
TGraphAligned(Int_t n, const Double_t *x, const Double_t *y) | TGraphAligned | |
TGraphAligned(const TGraph &) | TGraphAligned | |
undBize() (defined in TGraphAligned) | TGraphAligned | |
valueHist(int nbins=100, const double *weights=0, TH1 *out=0) const | TGraphAligned | |
zeroMean() (defined in TGraphAligned) | TGraphAligned | |
~TGraphAligned() | TGraphAligned | virtual |