This is the complete list of members for AnitaResponse::Response, including all inherited members.
addResponseAtAngle(double angle, const FFTWComplex *response) (defined in AnitaResponse::Response) | AnitaResponse::Response | |
convolve(const AnalysisWaveform *wf, double angle=0) const (defined in AnitaResponse::AbstractResponse) | AnitaResponse::AbstractResponse | virtual |
convolveInPlace(AnalysisWaveform *wf, double angle=0) const (defined in AnitaResponse::AbstractResponse) | AnitaResponse::AbstractResponse | virtual |
deconvolve(const AnalysisWaveform *wf, const DeconvolutionMethod *method=&kDefaultDeconvolution, double angle=0) const (defined in AnitaResponse::AbstractResponse) | AnitaResponse::AbstractResponse | virtual |
deconvolveInPlace(AnalysisWaveform *wf, const DeconvolutionMethod *method=&kDefaultDeconvolution, double angle=0) const (defined in AnitaResponse::AbstractResponse) | AnitaResponse::AbstractResponse | virtual |
df (defined in AnitaResponse::Response) | AnitaResponse::Response | protected |
dirty (defined in AnitaResponse::Response) | AnitaResponse::Response | mutableprotected |
getImag() const (defined in AnitaResponse::Response) | AnitaResponse::Response | inline |
getMagnitude(double f, double angle=0) const (defined in AnitaResponse::AbstractResponse) | AnitaResponse::AbstractResponse | virtual |
getPhase(double f, double angle=0) const (defined in AnitaResponse::AbstractResponse) | AnitaResponse::AbstractResponse | virtual |
getReal() const (defined in AnitaResponse::Response) | AnitaResponse::Response | inline |
getResponse(double f, double angle=0) const (defined in AnitaResponse::Response) | AnitaResponse::Response | virtual |
getResponseArray(int N, const double *f, double angle=0, FFTWComplex *answer=0) const (defined in AnitaResponse::AbstractResponse) | AnitaResponse::AbstractResponse | virtual |
getResponseArray(int N, double df, double angle=0, FFTWComplex *answer=0) const (defined in AnitaResponse::AbstractResponse) | AnitaResponse::AbstractResponse | virtual |
imag (defined in AnitaResponse::Response) | AnitaResponse::Response | mutableprotected |
impulseResponse(double dt=1./2.6, int N=256) const (defined in AnitaResponse::AbstractResponse) | AnitaResponse::AbstractResponse | virtual |
lock (defined in AnitaResponse::Response) | AnitaResponse::Response | mutableprotected |
nangles (defined in AnitaResponse::Response) | AnitaResponse::Response | protected |
Nfreq (defined in AnitaResponse::Response) | AnitaResponse::Response | protected |
real (defined in AnitaResponse::Response) | AnitaResponse::Response | mutableprotected |
recompute() const (defined in AnitaResponse::Response) | AnitaResponse::Response | protected |
Response(int NFreq, double df) (defined in AnitaResponse::Response) | AnitaResponse::Response | |
Response(const TGraph *time_domain, int npad) (defined in AnitaResponse::Response) | AnitaResponse::Response | |
Response(int Nfreq, double df, int nangles, const double *angles, const FFTWComplex **responses) (defined in AnitaResponse::Response) | AnitaResponse::Response | |
Response(int Nfreq, double df, const FFTWComplex *response) (defined in AnitaResponse::Response) | AnitaResponse::Response | |
responses (defined in AnitaResponse::Response) | AnitaResponse::Response | protected |
~AbstractResponse() (defined in AnitaResponse::AbstractResponse) | AnitaResponse::AbstractResponse | inlinevirtual |
~Response() (defined in AnitaResponse::Response) | AnitaResponse::Response | inlinevirtual |