FFTtools::CWT Member List

This is the complete list of members for FFTtools::CWT, including all inherited members.

compute(const TGraph *win) (defined in FFTtools::CWT)FFTtools::CWT
CWT(const MotherWavelet *w, double scaled_width=5, int nscales=10, double start_scale=1, double scale_step=1) (defined in FFTtools::CWT)FFTtools::CWT
eval(double t, double min_abs_val=0, int min_scale=0, int max_scale=0) const (defined in FFTtools::CWT)FFTtools::CWT
eval(int N, const double *t, double *out, double min_abs_val=0, int min_scale=0, int max_scale=0) const (defined in FFTtools::CWT)FFTtools::CWT
getGraph(int scale) const (defined in FFTtools::CWT)FFTtools::CWT
getHist(const char *name="cwt") const (defined in FFTtools::CWT)FFTtools::CWT
getScale(int scale) (defined in FFTtools::CWT)FFTtools::CWTinline
getScales() const (defined in FFTtools::CWT)FFTtools::CWTinline
getSize() const (defined in FFTtools::CWT)FFTtools::CWTinline
getX() const (defined in FFTtools::CWT)FFTtools::CWTinline
getY(int scale) const (defined in FFTtools::CWT)FFTtools::CWTinline
nScales() const (defined in FFTtools::CWT)FFTtools::CWTinline
setMotherWavelet(const MotherWavelet *w) (defined in FFTtools::CWT)FFTtools::CWTinline
setScales(int n, const double *scales) (defined in FFTtools::CWT)FFTtools::CWT
setScales(int n, double start_scale, double scale_step) (defined in FFTtools::CWT)FFTtools::CWT
setWidth(double w) (defined in FFTtools::CWT)FFTtools::CWTinline
~CWT() (defined in FFTtools::CWT)FFTtools::CWTinlinevirtual