This is the complete list of members for Ray, including all inherited members.
GetRayIceSide(const Vector &n_exit2bn, const Vector &nsurf_rfexit, double nexit, double nenter, Vector &nrf2_iceside) (defined in Ray) | Ray | |
GetRFExit(Settings *settings1, Anita *anita1, int whichray, Position posnu, Position posnu_down, Position r_bn, Position r_boresights[Anita::NLAYERS_MAX][Anita::NPHI_MAX], int whichtry, IceModel *antarctica) (defined in Ray) | Ray | |
GetSurfaceNormal(Settings *settings1, IceModel *antarctica, Vector posnu, double &slopeyangle, int whichtry) (defined in Ray) | Ray | |
Initialize() (defined in Ray) | Ray | |
n_exit2bn (defined in Ray) | Ray | |
n_exit2bn_eachboresight (defined in Ray) | Ray | |
nrf_iceside (defined in Ray) | Ray | |
nrf_iceside_eachboresight (defined in Ray) | Ray | |
nsurf_rfexit (defined in Ray) | Ray | |
nsurf_rfexit_db (defined in Ray) | Ray | |
PrintAnglesofIncidence() (defined in Ray) | Ray | |
RandomizeSurface(Settings *settings1, Position rfexit_temp, Vector posnu, IceModel *antarctica, double &slopeyangle, int whichtry) (defined in Ray) | Ray | |
Ray() (defined in Ray) | Ray | |
rfexit (defined in Ray) | Ray | |
rfexit_db (defined in Ray) | Ray | |
rfexit_eachboresight (defined in Ray) | Ray | |
slopeyx (defined in Ray) | Ray | |
slopeyy (defined in Ray) | Ray | |
slopeyz (defined in Ray) | Ray | |
sum_slopeyness (defined in Ray) | Ray | |
TraceRay(Settings *settings1, Anita *anita1, int whichiteration, double n_depth) (defined in Ray) | Ray | |
WhereDoesItLeave(const Position &posnu, const Vector &ntemp, IceModel *antarctica, Position &r_out) (defined in Ray) | Ray | inlinestatic |
xaxis (defined in Ray) | Ray | |
yaxis (defined in Ray) | Ray | |
zaxis (defined in Ray) | Ray |