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RawAnitaHeader Class Reference

RawAnitaHeader – The Raw ANITA Event Header. More...

#include <RawAnitaHeader.h>

Public Member Functions

 RawAnitaHeader ()
 Default constructor.
 RawAnitaHeader (AnitaEventHeader_t *hdPtr, Int_t run, UInt_t realTime, UInt_t triggerTime, UInt_t triggerTimeNs, Int_t tgoodTimeFlag)
 Assignment constructor.
 RawAnitaHeader (AnitaEventHeaderVer40_t *hdPtr, Int_t trun, UInt_t trealTime, UInt_t ttriggerTime, UInt_t ttriggerTimeNs, Int_t tgoodTimeFlag)
 RawAnitaHeader (AnitaEventHeaderVer33_t *hdPtr, Int_t run, UInt_t realTime, UInt_t triggerTime, UInt_t triggerTimeNs, Int_t tgoodTimeFlag)
 Version 33 constructor.
 RawAnitaHeader (AnitaEventHeaderVer30_t *hdPtr, Int_t run, UInt_t realTime, UInt_t triggerTime, UInt_t triggerTimeNs, Int_t tgoodTimeFlag)
 Version 30 constructor.
 RawAnitaHeader (AnitaEventHeaderVer13_t *hdPtr, Int_t run, UInt_t realTime, UInt_t triggerTime, UInt_t triggerTimeNs, Int_t tgoodTimeFlag)
 Version 13 constructor.
 RawAnitaHeader (AnitaEventHeaderVer12_t *hdPtr, Int_t run, UInt_t realTime, UInt_t triggerTime, UInt_t triggerTimeNs, Int_t tgoodTimeFlag)
 Version 12 constructor.
 RawAnitaHeader (AnitaEventHeaderVer11_t *hdPtr, Int_t run, UInt_t realTime, UInt_t triggerTime, UInt_t triggerTimeNs, Int_t tgoodTimeFlag)
 Version 11 constructor.
 RawAnitaHeader (AnitaEventHeaderVer10_t *hdPtr, Int_t run, UInt_t realTime, UInt_t triggerTime, UInt_t triggerTimeNs, Int_t tgoodTimeFlag)
 Version 10 constructor.
 ~RawAnitaHeader ()
const char * trigTypeAsString () const
 Returns trigger type as string.
UShort_t getL3TrigPattern (AnitaPol::AnitaPol_t pol) const
int isInL3Pattern (int phi, AnitaPol::AnitaPol_t pol=AnitaPol::kVertical) const
 Returns 1 if given phi-ring had l3 trigger. pol does nothing for A4.
int isInPhiMask (int phi, AnitaPol::AnitaPol_t pol=AnitaPol::kVertical) const
 Returns 1 if given phi-pol is in mask.
int isInL1Mask (int phi, AnitaPol::AnitaPol_t pol=AnitaPol::kVertical) const
 Returns 1 if given phi-pol is in mask.
int getL1Mask (AnitaPol::AnitaPol_t pol) const
 Get's the l1 Mask. In A4 this is the same as l2 mask.
int getPhiMask (AnitaPol::AnitaPol_t pol=AnitaPol::kVertical) const
 pol does nothing for A4
int isInL2Mask (int phi) const
 Returns 1 if given phi-ring had l1 trigger.
int getL2Mask () const
int isInPhiMaskOffline (int phi, AnitaPol::AnitaPol_t pol=AnitaPol::kVertical) const
int isInL1MaskOffline (int phi, AnitaPol::AnitaPol_t pol=AnitaPol::kVertical) const
int getPhiMaskOffline (AnitaPol::AnitaPol_t pol=AnitaPol::kHorizontal) const
int getL1MaskOffline (AnitaPol::AnitaPol_t pol) const
int getCurrentTurfBuffer () const
 Returns the current TURF buffer number (0, 1, 2 or 3);. More...
unsigned int getCurrentTurfHolds () const
 Returns a 4-bit bitmask corresponding to the currently held buffers. More...
int getNumberOfCurrentTurfHolds () const
 Returns the number of currently held TURF buffers (0-4) More...
int getTurfRunNumber () const
 Returns the run number portion of the TURF event id.
int getTurfEventNumber () const
 Returns the event number portion of the TURF event id.
Int_t getAboveThresholdFlag () const
Int_t getBinToBinIncreaseFlag () const
Int_t getSaturationFlag () const
Float_t getPeakThetaRad () const
Float_t getPeakPhiRad () const
Float_t getPeakThetaDeg () const
Float_t getPeakPhiDeg () const
Float_t getImagePeak () const
Float_t getCoherentSumPeak () const
AnitaPol::AnitaPol_t getPeakPol () const
Int_t getTriggerBitRF () const
Int_t getTriggerBitADU5 () const
Int_t getTriggerBitG12 () const
Int_t getTriggerBitSoftExt () const
Int_t setMask (UShort_t newL2Mask, UShort_t newPhiMask, AnitaPol::AnitaPol_t pol)
Int_t setTrigPattern (UShort_t newTrigPattern, AnitaPol::AnitaPol_t pol)
 ClassDef (RawAnitaHeader, 42)

Public Attributes

Int_t run
 Run number, assigned on ground.
UInt_t realTime
 unixTime of readout
UInt_t payloadTime
 unixTime of readout
UInt_t payloadTimeUs
 sub second time of readout
UInt_t gpsSubTime
 sub second time from GPS (if matched)
UInt_t turfEventId
 TURF Event Id (12-bit run + 20-bit event)
UInt_t eventNumber
UShort_t calibStatus
 Calib/Relay Status. More...
UChar_t priority
 Queue (lower 4-bits) and priority (upper 4-bits)
UChar_t turfUpperWord
 Upper word from TURF, useful for debugging.
UChar_t otherFlag
UChar_t errorFlag
 Error Flag. More...
UChar_t surfSlipFlag
 Sync Slip between SURF 2-9 and SURF 1.
UChar_t nadirAntTrigMask
 8-bit nadir phi mask (from TURF)
UInt_t antTrigMask
UShort_t l2TrigMask
UShort_t l2TrigMaskH
UShort_t l1TrigMaskOffline
UShort_t l1TrigMaskHOffline
UShort_t phiTrigMask
 16-bit phi mask (from TURF)
UShort_t phiTrigMaskH
 16-bit phi mask (from TURF)
UShort_t phiTrigMaskOffline
 16-bit phi mask (from TURF)
UShort_t phiTrigMaskHOffline
 16-bit phi mask (from TURF)
UChar_t peakThetaBin
UShort_t imagePeak
UShort_t coherentSumPeak
UShort_t prioritizerStuff
 Prioritizer stuff. More...
UChar_t reserved [2]
 Reserved bytes — Deprecated. More...
UChar_t trigType
 Bit 0 is RF, 1 is ADU5, 2 is G12, 3 is software/external.
UChar_t l3Type1Count
 Count of l3 type 1 triggers.
UShort_t trigNum
 Trigger number (since last clear all)
UInt_t trigTime
 Trigger time in TURF clock ticks.
UInt_t c3poNum
 Number of TURF clock ticks between GPS pulse per seconds.
UShort_t ppsNum
UShort_t deadTime
 Dead Time. More...
UChar_t bufferDepth
 Buffer depth. More...
UChar_t turfioReserved
UShort_t upperL1TrigPattern
 Bit mask for upper ring l1 antenna triggers. eg. if the bit 1 (the lowest bit) is active it means the upper ring antenna in phi sector 1 contributes an L1 trigger to the event.
UShort_t lowerL1TrigPattern
 Bit mask for lower ring l1 antenna triggers. eg. if the bit 1 (the lowest bit) is active it means the lower ring antenna in phi sector 1 contributes an L1 trigger to the event.
UShort_t upperL2TrigPattern
 Bit mask for upper ring l2 cluster triggers. eg. if the bit 1 (the lowest bit) is active it means the three antenna cluster centred on the upper ring antenna in phi sector 1 contributes an L2 trigger to the event.
UShort_t lowerL2TrigPattern
 Bit mask for lower ring l2 cluster triggers. eg. if the bit 1 (the lowest bit) is active it means the three antenna cluster centred on the lower ring antenna in phi sector 1 contributes an L2 trigger to the event.
UShort_t l3TrigPattern
 Bit mask for l3 global triggers. eg. if the bit 1 (the lowest bit) is active it means that phi sector 1 contributed an L3 trigger to the event.
UShort_t l3TrigPatternH
 Bit mask for l3 global triggers. eg. if the bit 1 (the lowest bit) is active it means that phi sector 1 contributed an L3 trigger to the event.
UShort_t otherTrigPattern [3]
 Other trig patterns – currently reserved.
UChar_t nadirL1TrigPattern
 8-bit trigger mask for L1 nadir triggers. Here bit 1 is antenna 33 (phi 1), bit 2 is antenna 34 (phi 3), bit 3 is antenna 35 (phi 5), bit 4 is antenna 36 (phi 7), bit 5 is antenna 37 (phi 9), bit 6 is antenna 38 (phi 11), bit 7 is antenna 39 (phi 13) and bit 8 is antenna 40 (phi 15).
UChar_t nadirL2TrigPattern
 8-bit trigger mask for L2 nadir triggers. Nadir L2 triggers are for the even phi sectors and are just the OR of the neighbouring antennas. So bit 1 is phi sector 2 (the OR of phi 1 and phi 3), through to bit 8 is phi sector 16 (the OR of phi's 15 and 1).
UInt_t triggerTime
 Trigger time from TURF converted to unixTime.
UInt_t triggerTimeNs
 Trigger time in ns from TURF.
Int_t goodTimeFlag
 1 is good trigger time, 0 is bad trigger time
UInt_t rawtrigTime
 Trigger time in TURF clock ticks before corrections.
UInt_t rawc3poNum
 Number of TURF clock ticks between GPS pulse per seconds before corrections.
UShort_t rawppsNum
 Number of GPS PPS since last clear all before corrections.

Detailed Description

RawAnitaHeader – The Raw ANITA Event Header.

The ROOT implementation of the raw ANITA event header

Definition at line 22 of file RawAnitaHeader.h.

Inheritance diagram for RawAnitaHeader:
Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for RawAnitaHeader:
Collaboration graph

Member Function Documentation

int RawAnitaHeader::getCurrentTurfBuffer ( ) const

Returns the current TURF buffer number (0, 1, 2 or 3);.

< Returns the current TURF buffer number (0, 1, 2 or 3);

Definition at line 678 of file RawAnitaHeader.cxx.

unsigned int RawAnitaHeader::getCurrentTurfHolds ( ) const

Returns a 4-bit bitmask corresponding to the currently held buffers.

< Returns a 4-bit bitmask corresponding to the currently held buffers.

Definition at line 691 of file RawAnitaHeader.cxx.

int RawAnitaHeader::getNumberOfCurrentTurfHolds ( ) const

Returns the number of currently held TURF buffers (0-4)

< Returns the number of currently held TURF buffers (0-4)

Definition at line 699 of file RawAnitaHeader.cxx.

Int_t RawAnitaHeader::getTriggerBitADU5 ( ) const

< Bit 0 is RF, 1 is ADU5, 2 is G12, 3 is software/external

Definition at line 794 of file RawAnitaHeader.cxx.

Int_t RawAnitaHeader::getTriggerBitG12 ( ) const

< Bit 0 is RF, 1 is ADU5, 2 is G12, 3 is software/external

Definition at line 799 of file RawAnitaHeader.cxx.

Int_t RawAnitaHeader::getTriggerBitRF ( ) const

< Bit 0 is RF, 1 is ADU5, 2 is G12, 3 is software/external

Definition at line 789 of file RawAnitaHeader.cxx.

Int_t RawAnitaHeader::getTriggerBitSoftExt ( ) const

< Bit 0 is RF, 1 is ADU5, 2 is G12, 3 is software/external

Definition at line 804 of file RawAnitaHeader.cxx.

Member Data Documentation

UChar_t RawAnitaHeader::bufferDepth

Buffer depth.

The lowest two bits (bufferDepth&0x3) are a two-bit number (with range 0-3) that count the number of held buffers at the time of the trigger.

The next lowest two bits (bufferDepth&0xc)>>2 are a two-bit number (with range 0-3) that count the number of held buffers at the time of readout.

Definition at line 165 of file RawAnitaHeader.h.

UShort_t RawAnitaHeader::calibStatus

Calib/Relay Status.

Here we are coutning bits from 1 to 16

  • "Bit 1" 1st RFCM relay on/off
  • "Bit 2" 2nd RFCM relay on/off
  • "Bit 3" 3rd RFCM relay on/off
  • "Bit 4" 4th RFCM relay on/off
  • "Bit 5" Naidr RFCM relay on/off
  • "Bit 6" GPS relay on/off
  • "Bit 7" Cal Pulser relay on/off
  • "Bit 8" Unused
  • "Bit 9" RFCM Switch Port D
  • "Bit 10" RFCM Switch Port C
  • "Bit 11" RFCM Switch Port B
  • "Bit 12" RFCM Switch Port A
  • "Bit 13:16" Attenuator Setting

For the attenuator setting take (calibStatus&0xf000)>>12 and:

-  "Value 7" 0th Attenuator setting (0dB)
-  "Value 3" 1st Attenuator setting (3dB)
-  "Value 5" 2nd Attenuator setting (8dB)
-  "Value 1" 3rd Attenuator setting (12dB)
-  "Value 6" 4th Attenuator setting (18dB)
-  "Value 2" 5th Attenuator setting (22dB)
-  "Value 4" 6th Attenuator setting (28dB)
-  "Value 0" 7th Attenuator setting (33dB)

Definition at line 81 of file RawAnitaHeader.h.

UShort_t RawAnitaHeader::deadTime

Dead Time.

The number of of 16.384 us clock ticks in the current second, upto triggerTimeNs ns, which all four buffers were full. A more consistent definition of deadTime is available in the TurfRate class.

Definition at line 158 of file RawAnitaHeader.h.

UChar_t RawAnitaHeader::errorFlag

Error Flag.

Here we are coutning bits from 1 to 8

  • "Bit 1" means sync slip between TURF and software
  • "Bit 2" is sync slip between SURF 1 and software
  • "Bit 3" is sync slip between SURF 10 and SURF 1
  • "Bit 4" is non matching TURF test pattern
  • "Bits 5-8" reserved (currently zero)

Definition at line 94 of file RawAnitaHeader.h.

UInt_t RawAnitaHeader::eventNumber

Software event number

Definition at line 51 of file RawAnitaHeader.h.

UChar_t RawAnitaHeader::otherFlag

Currently the first two surf evNums

Definition at line 84 of file RawAnitaHeader.h.

UShort_t RawAnitaHeader::ppsNum

Number of GPS PPS since last clear all

Definition at line 153 of file RawAnitaHeader.h.

UShort_t RawAnitaHeader::prioritizerStuff

Prioritizer stuff.

Here we are coutning bits from 1 to 8

  • "LSB" Polarisation 1 is VPol
  • "Bit 2-11" is peak phi bin
  • "Bit 12 unused"
  • "Bit 13 is filtering flag - above max power"
  • "Bit 14 is filtering flag - bin-to-bin increase"
  • "Bit 15 is saturation flag"
  • "Bit 16 unused"

Definition at line 129 of file RawAnitaHeader.h.

UChar_t RawAnitaHeader::reserved[2]

Reserved bytes — Deprecated.

The lower four bits of the first byte (reserved[0]&0xf) show the TURF hold issued for this trigger. There should be only one buffer held per trigger and it should match the SURF labrador readout for the event. Here we are coutning bits from 1 to 4

  • "Bit 1" is hold 1 (buffer A)
  • "Bit 2" is hold 2 (buffer B)
  • "Bit 3" is hold 3 (buffer C)
  • "Bit 4" is hold 4 (buffer D)

The upper four bits of the first byte (reserved[0]&0xf0)>>4 show which TURF holds were acitve when the trigger was formed. The bits have the same meaning as above. It is possible to have all holds active (in which case there are no free buffers and the trigger is dead until a buffer becomes available).

The second byte (reserved[1]) is currently reserved.

Definition at line 147 of file RawAnitaHeader.h.

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