5 #ifndef ICEMC_COUNTING_HH 6 #define ICEMC_COUNTING_HH 14 void initializeEachRun();
17 int npassestrigger[2];
18 int nl1triggers[2][2];
19 int nchanceinhell2[2];
25 int nchanceinhell_1overr[2];
27 int nchanceinhell_fresnel[2];
33 int nraywithincontinent1[2];
34 int nraywithincontinent2[2];
38 int nviewangle_lt_90[2];
45 int wheredoesitleave_err[2];
47 int iceinteraction[2];
49 int wheredoesitenterice_err[2];
60 static constexpr
int NCOSTHETA=180;
61 static constexpr
int NPHI=180;
62 static constexpr
double COSTHETAMAX=1.;
63 static constexpr
double COSTHETAMIN=-1.;
64 static constexpr
double PHIMAX=2*3.14159;
65 static constexpr
double PHIMIN=0.;
66 double weights_rin[NCOSTHETA][NPHI];
68 void findCosthetaPhiBins(
Position r_in,
int &icostheta,
int &iphi);
69 void IncrementWeights_r_in(
Position r_in,
double weight) ;
75 #endif //ICEMC_COUNTING_HH This class is a 3-vector that represents a position on the Earth's surface.
This class represents a three-vector. Operators are overloaded to provide for the familiar operations...
Handles event counting as cuts are made.