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SurfHk Class Reference

SurfHk – The raw SURF scaler+threshold data. More...

#include <SurfHk.h>

Public Member Functions

 SurfHk ()
 Default constructor.
 ~SurfHk ()
 SurfHk (Int_t trun, Int_t trealTime, FullSurfHkStruct_t *surfPtr)
 Assignment constructor.
 SurfHk (Int_t trun, Int_t trealTime, FullSurfHkStructVer40_t *surfPtr)
 Version 40 constructor.
 SurfHk (Int_t trun, Int_t trealTime, FullSurfHkStructVer30_t *surfPtr)
 Version 30 constructor.
 SurfHk (Int_t trun, Int_t trealTime, FullSurfHkStructVer14_t *surfPtr)
 Version 14 constructor.
 SurfHk (Int_t trun, Int_t trealTime, FullSurfHkStructVer13_t *surfPtr)
 Version 13 constructor.
 SurfHk (Int_t trun, Int_t trealTime, FullSurfHkStructVer12_t *surfPtr)
 Version 12 constructor.
 SurfHk (Int_t trun, UInt_t trealTime, UInt_t tpayloadTime, UInt_t tpayloadTimeUs, UShort_t tglobalThreshold, UShort_t terrorFlag, UShort_t tscalerGoals[4], UShort_t tscalerGoalsNadir[4], UShort_t tupperWords[12], UShort_t tscaler[12][12], UShort_t tthreshold[12][12], UShort_t tsetThreshold[12][12], UShort_t trfPower[12][8], UShort_t tsurfTrigBandMask[12], Int_t tintFlag)
 Old assignment constructor.
Int_t isBandMasked (int surf, int scl)
 Returns 1 if band is masked.
Int_t getL2Scaler (int phi)
 Returns the L2 scaler value for given phi-pol.
Int_t getL1Scaler (int phi, AnitaPol::AnitaPol_t pol, AnitaRing::AnitaRing_t ring)
 Returns the L1 scaler value for given phi-ring-pol.
Int_t getL1Scaler (int phi, AnitaRing::AnitaRing_t ring)
 Returns the L1 scaler value for given phi-ring-pol.
Int_t getScalerFromSurfChan (int surf, int chan)
Int_t getThresholdFromSurfChan (int surf, int chan)
Int_t getSetThresholdFromSurfChan (int surf, int chan)
Int_t getL2ScalerFromSurfChan (int surf, int chan)
Int_t getL1ScalerFromSurfChan (int surf, int chan)
Int_t getScaler (int phi, AnitaRing::AnitaRing_t ring, AnitaTrigPol::AnitaTrigPol_t pol)
 Returns scaler value for given ring-phi-pol.
Int_t getThreshold (int phi, AnitaRing::AnitaRing_t ring, AnitaTrigPol::AnitaTrigPol_t pol)
 Returns readback threhsold value for given ring-phi-pol.
Int_t getSetThreshold (int phi, AnitaRing::AnitaRing_t ring, AnitaTrigPol::AnitaTrigPol_t pol)
 Returns set threshold value for given ring-phi-pol.
Int_t isMasked (int phi, AnitaRing::AnitaRing_t ring, AnitaTrigPol::AnitaTrigPol_t pol)
 Returns 1 if given phi-ring-pol is masked.
Int_t getLogicalIndex (int phi, AnitaRing::AnitaRing_t ring, AnitaTrigPol::AnitaTrigPol_t pol)
 Returns logical pol index.
Int_t getScalerGoalRing (AnitaRing::AnitaRing_t ring)
Int_t getScalerGoal (int surf, int scl)
 Returns scaler goal of surf-scaler.
Double_t getRFPowerInK (int surf, int chan)
 Returns the pseudo-calibrated RF power in K.
Double_t getRawRFPower (int surf, int chan)
 Returns the measured adc value of the RF power while masking the top bit (the "phase" bit)
UInt_t getRFPowerTimeOffset (int surf, int chan)
UInt_t getRFPowerPayloadTime (UInt_t surf, UInt_t chan)
UInt_t getRFPowerPayloadTimeUs (UInt_t surf, UInt_t chan)
 ClassDef (SurfHk, 41)

Public Attributes

Int_t run
 Run number from offline.
UInt_t realTime
 Time in unixTime.
UInt_t payloadTime
 Time in unixTime.
UInt_t payloadTimeUs
 Subsecond time of readout in us.
UShort_t globalThreshold
 Global threshold if set.
UShort_t errorFlag
 Error flag.
UShort_t scalerGoals [4]
 Scaler goal for each ring, only use 3.
UShort_t scalerGoalsNadir [4]
UShort_t upperWords [12]
 Upper words of each SURF... for debugging.
UShort_t scaler [12][16]
 Scaler values, multiple by 1000 to get Hz.
UShort_t l1Scaler [12][6]
 L1 Scaler values.
UShort_t l2Scaler [12][2]
 L2 Scaler values.
UShort_t threshold [12][16]
 Threshold values in DAC counts.
UShort_t setThreshold [12][16]
 Threshold values intedned, should match threshold array exactly.
UShort_t rfPower [12][8]
 RF power per input channel in ADC counts.
UShort_t surfTrigBandMask [12]
 Which bands are masked off?
Int_t intFlag
 Interpolation flag, should be zero for raw data.

Detailed Description

SurfHk – The raw SURF scaler+threshold data.

The ROOT implementation of the SURF scaler, threshold and RF power data

Definition at line 24 of file SurfHk.h.

Inheritance diagram for SurfHk:
Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for SurfHk:
Collaboration graph

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