double | dMax (double, double) |
double | dMax (const double *, int) |
double | dvMax (const vector< double >) |
double | dsMax (TSpline5 *sp) |
double | dMin (const double *, int) |
double | dMinNotZero (const double *, int) |
double | dMin (double, double) |
double | getMaxMagnitude (vector< double > v) |
int | Getifreq (double freq, double freq_low, double freq_high, int n) |
void | InterpolateReal (double *array, const unsigned n) |
void | InterpolateComplex (double *array, const unsigned n) |
void | four1 (double *data, const int isign, int nsize) |
void | realft (double *data, const int isign, int nsize) |
void | SWAP (double &a, double &b) |
void | NormalTimeOrdering (const int n, double *volts) |
void | reverseTimeOrdering (const int n, double *bitsin, double *bitsout) |
void | reverseTimeOrdering (const int n, int *bitsin, int *bitsout) |
void | ShiftLeft (double *x, const int n, int ishift) |
void | ShiftRight (double *x, const int n, int ishift) |
double | GetFWHM (TH1 *h1) |
void | MakeGraph (int index, int n, double *time, double *volts, TGraph *&mygraph, TH2F *&h2, double scalex, double scaley, string xaxistitle, string yaxistitle) |
double | dDot (double *, double *, int) |
void | dCross (double *, double *, double *) |
double | dSquare (double *) |
double | Step (double x) |
double | dGetTheta (double *) |
double | dGetPhi (double *) |
int | WhichIsMax (double *x, int n) |
int | WhichIsMin (double *x, int n) |
double | dSum (double *, int) |
int | iSum (int *, int) |
void | Print (double *, int) |
void | Print (int *, int) |
void | Zero (double *anarray, int n) |
void | Zero (int *anarray, int n) |
int | NonZero (double *anarray, int n) |
void | GetNumbersAsStringArray (ifstream &fin, ofstream &fout, vector< string > &vnumbers, int nelements) |
void | GetNext2NumbersAsString (ifstream &fin, ofstream &fout, string &number1, string &number2, string &stherest) |
void | GetNextNumberAsString (ifstream &fin, ofstream &fout, string &number) |
int | findIndex (double *freqlab, double freq, int npoints, double min, double max) |
void | get_random_rician (double signal, double signal_phase, double sigma, double &litude, double &phase) |
void | get_circular_bivariate_normal_random_variable (double &rand_gauss_a, double &rand_gauss_b) |
int | round (double number) |
double | AbbyPhiCalc (double x_abby, double y_abby) |
TGraph * | getInterpolatedGraph (TGraph *grIn, Double_t deltaT) |
double | calculateSNR (double justSig[512], double justNoise[512]) |
void | ConvertHVtoLRTimedomain (const int nfour, double *vvolts, double *hvolts, double *left, double *right) |
template<class T , class U > |
void | vector_element_convert (const vector< T > &input, vector< U > &output) |
template<class T , class U > |
void | nested_vector_element_convert (const vector< vector< T > > &input, vector< vector< U > > &output) |
Functions to make life easier. Many of these probably exist other places.