48 TChain *flightdatachain;
52 float flatitude,flongitude,faltitude,fheading,froll, fpitch;
53 double latitude,longitude,altitude,heading,roll,pitch;
133 Ray *ray1,
int &beyondhorizon,
double len_int_km2,
Vector * force_dir = 0);
227 int ilayer,
int ifold,
252 double& n_component);
272 double& e_component_kvector,
273 double& h_component_kvector,
274 double& n_component_kvector);
289 double e_component_kvector,
290 double h_component_kvector,
291 double n_component_kvector,
314 void setr_bn(
double latitude,
double longitude);
unsigned int realTime_flightdata_temp
realtime from the flight data file
double realtime_bn_anitalite[100000]
same for real life time
0=fixed balloon position,1=randomized,2=ANITA-lite GPS data,3=banana plot
unsigned short surfTrigBandMask[9][2]
Ryan's 16 bit masks for 9 surfs. 2x16 bit masks gives 32 channels per surf.
int igps
which balloon position do we use out of the 25000 anitalite GPS positions.
void ReadAnitaliteFlight()
This function reads in the ANITA LITE flight.
Position r_bn
position of balloon
static const int MAX_POSITIONS
for the slac beam test
double phi_bn
theta,phi of balloon wrt south pole
Vector RotatePayload(Vector ant_pos)
This function rotates the payload.
double heading_bn_anitalite[100000]
same for heading of the balloon
pick the interaction within this distance from the balloon so that it is within the horizon ...
int Getibnposition()
This function gets ith balloon position.
void PickBalloonPosition(Vector straightup, IceModel *antarctica, Settings *settings1, Anita *anita1)
This function picks the balloon position.
void AdjustSlacBalloonPosition(int inu)
This function adjusts the slac balloon position.
void CenterPayload(double &hitangle_e)
This function centers the payload.
double horizcoord_bn
x component of balloon position
only take every 100th entry in the flight data file
double altitude_bn_anitalite[100000]
same for altitude
min and max index for gps positions we want to include in the simulation (to exclude launch and fall)...
balloon latitude for fixed balloon location
void PickDownwardInteractionPoint(Interaction *interaction1, Anita *anita1, Settings *settings1, IceModel *antarctica1, Ray *ray1, int &beyondhorizon, double len_int_km2, Vector *force_dir=0)
This function picks downward interaction point.
Position r_bn_shadow
position of the balloon projected on earth surface - point just below balloon at surface of the earth...
minimum altitude balloon needs to be before we consider it a good event to read from the flight data ...
Reads in and stores input settings for the run.
void setr_bn(double latitude, double longitude)
This function sets r of the balloon.
number of GPS positions we're picking from.
pick balloon altitude
balloon longitude for fixed balloon location
Vector n_bn
normalized r_bn
float powerthresh[9][32]
power threshold in Watts
void InitializeBalloon()
This function initializes the balloon or the specific flight.
This class is a 3-vector that represents a position on the Earth's surface.
0=fixed balloon orientation,1=randomized
Stores everything about a particular neutrino interaction. Interaction.
void GetAntennaOrientation(Settings *settings1, Anita *anita1, int ilayer, int ifold, Vector &n_eplane, Vector &n_hplane, Vector &n_normal)
This function gets the antenna orientation.
Vector n_north
north, as seen from the balloon position
double longitude_bn_anitalite[100000]
same for longitude
double GetBalloonSpin(double heading)
This function gets the spin of the balloon whatever that means.
double phi_spin
orientation of the balloon
void SetDefaultBalloonPosition(IceModel *antarctica1)
This function sets the default balloon position.
Contains everything about positions within payload and signals it sees for each event, in both the trigger and signal paths.
void calculate_antenna_positions(Settings *settings1, Anita *anita1)
This function calculates antenna positions.
Vector unRotatePayload(Vector ant_pos)
This function UN-rotates the payload.
double surface_under_balloon
distance between center of the earth and the surface of earth under balloon
static const int NLAYERS_MAX
max number of layers (in smex design, it's 4)
double vertcoord_bn
y component of balloon position
double latitude_bn_anitalite[100000]
latitude at times along flightpath, equally distributed among gps data. This is filled with anita or ...
void setObservationLocation(Interaction *interaction1, int inu, IceModel *antarctic, Settings *settings1)
This function sets the observation location.
void GetEcompHcompEvector(Settings *settings1, Vector n_eplane, Vector n_hplane, const Vector n_pol, double &e_component, double &h_component, double &n_component)
This function gets the e-component, h-component and e-vector.
Vector n_east
east, as seen from the balloon position
Handles everything related to balloon positions, payload orientation over the course of a flight...
This class represents a three-vector. Operators are overloaded to provide for the familiar operations...
static const int NPHI_MAX
max number of antennas around in phi (in smex, 16)
void GetHitAngles(double e_component_kvector, double h_component_kvector, double n_component_kvector, double &hitangle_e, double &hitangle_h)
This function gets the hit angles.
int igps_previous
which entry from the flight data file the previous event was so we can just take the next one...
float meanp[9][32]
mean power in Watts
double dtryingposition
weighting factor: how many equivalent tries each neutrino counts for after having reduced possible in...
void GetEcompHcompkvector(Vector n_eplane, Vector n_hplane, Vector n_normal, const Vector n_exit2bn, double &e_component_kvector, double &h_component_kvector, double &n_component_kvector)
This function gets the e-component, h-component and k-vector.
void GetBoresights(Settings *settings1, Anita *anita1, Position r_boresights[Anita::NLAYERS_MAX][Anita::NPHI_MAX])
This function gets the boresights.
Position r_boresights[Anita::NLAYERS_MAX][Anita::NPHI_MAX]
position of antenna boresights
Ice thicknesses and water depth.
unsigned int realTime_flightdata
realtime from the flight data file
void GetSlacPositions(Anita *anita1)
This function gets the slac balloon positions.