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AnitaEventSummary::PointingHypothesis Class Reference

#include <AnitaEventSummary.h>

Public Member Functions

Double_t dPhi (Double_t phi) const
 the average of channel peaks in this direction More...
Double_t dTheta (Double_t theta, bool different_sign_conventions=false) const
Double_t bearing () const
Double_t dPhiNorth () const
Double_t dPhiWais () const
Double_t dThetaWais (bool different_sign_conventions=true) const
Double_t dPhiSun () const
Double_t dThetaSun (bool different_sign_conventions=true) const
Double_t dPhiLDB () const
Double_t dThetaLDB (bool different_sign_conventions=true) const
Double_t dPhiMC () const
Double_t dThetaMC (bool different_sign_conventions=true) const
Double_t dPhiTagged () const
Double_t dThetaTagged (bool different_sign_conventions=true) const
 See AnitaEventSummary::sourceFromTag()
Bool_t closeToMC (Double_t deltaPhiDeg, Double_t deltaThetaDeg) const
 See AnitaEventSummary::sourceFromTag()
Bool_t closeToWais (Double_t deltaPhiDeg, Double_t deltaThetaDeg) const
Bool_t closeToLDB (Double_t deltaPhiDeg, Double_t deltaThetaDeg) const
Bool_t closeToSun (Double_t deltaPhiDeg, Double_t deltaThetaDeg) const
Bool_t closeToTagged (Double_t deltaPhiDeg, Double_t deltaThetaDeg) const
Double_t minAbsHwAngle () const
Bool_t absHwAngleLessThanAbsHwAngleXPol () const

Public Attributes

Double_t phi
Double_t theta
 peak phi, degrees
Double_t value
 peak theta, degrees
Double_t snr
 peak value
Double_t mapRMS
 snr of peak
Double_t mapHistoryVal
 rms of interferometric map
Double_t hwAngle
 value of average of the peak location over the past 60 min-bias events
Double_t hwAngleXPol
 angle with respect to triggering phi sector
Double_t latitude
 angle with respect to triggering phi sector in opposite polarisation
Double_t longitude
 on continent, or -9999 if doesn't intersect
Double_t altitude
 on continent, or -9999 if doesn't intersect
Double_t distanceToSource
 on continent, or -9999 if doesn't intersect
Double_t sigma_theta
 on continent, or -9999 if doesn't intersect
Double_t sigma_phi
 error on theta
Double_t rho
 error on phi
Double_t chisq
 correlation coefficient between theta and phi
Double_t theta_adjustment_needed
 chisq/ndof of peak finding process, if available (otherwise zero)
Double_t phi_separation
 If an event barely missed the ground, it is useful to see the coordinates at which it would hit if theta adjustment by a small amount. This is the calculated small amount that leads to it hitting the ground.
Double_t dphi_rough
 angular separation from higher value peak in same event. 1000 if highest value event (i.e. first hypothesis)
Double_t dtheta_rough
 phi - phi rough
Bool_t triggered
 theta - theta rough
Bool_t triggered_xpol
 was this in a triggered phi sector?
Bool_t masked
 was this in a triggered xpol phi sector?
Bool_t masked_xpol
 was this in a masked phi sector?
Double_t antennaPeakAverage
 was this in a masked phi xpol sector?


class AnitaEventSummary

Detailed Description

Stores some summary information about the peak of an interferometric map.

Definition at line 59 of file AnitaEventSummary.h.

Member Function Documentation

Bool_t AnitaEventSummary::PointingHypothesis::absHwAngleLessThanAbsHwAngleXPol ( ) const

Return the smaller of the two hardware angles, hwAngle / hwAngleXPol To know which one was smaller, same pol as peak or xpol, see


Definition at line 1025 of file

double AnitaEventSummary::PointingHypothesis::bearing ( ) const

Get the bearing of the peak (i.e. phi angle from north increasing clockwise)

the peak bearing

Definition at line 907 of file

double AnitaEventSummary::PointingHypothesis::dPhi ( Double_t  phi) const

the average of channel peaks in this direction

Get the angle between this peak and an arbitrary phi

the phi angle between the selected peak and source

Definition at line 845 of file

double AnitaEventSummary::PointingHypothesis::dPhiNorth ( ) const

Wraps the bearing() function, to the range -180 -> 180 from north.

the phi direction relative to north

Definition at line 930 of file

double AnitaEventSummary::PointingHypothesis::dTheta ( Double_t  theta,
bool  different_sign_conventions = false 
) const

Use the summary information to get the difference in angle between two peak thetas.

Note: The sign convention for theta varies between ANITA libraries for silly historical reasons. Acclaim/UCorrelator have +ve theta is up. AnitaEventCorrelator (i.e. all usefulAdu5Pat functions) have +ve theta means down.

theta2an angle to find the difference between
different_sign_conventionsis a boolian to invert theta2, set to true if interfacing between theta derived in anitaEventCorrelator and Acclaim/UCorrelator (default is false)
the theta angle between the peak and the source

Definition at line 879 of file

double AnitaEventSummary::PointingHypothesis::minAbsHwAngle ( ) const

Return the smaller of the two hardware angles, hwAngle / hwAngleXPol To know which one was smaller, same pol as peak or xpol, see


Definition at line 1011 of file

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