This is the complete list of members for UCorrelator::Analyzer, including all inherited members.
analyze(const FilteredAnitaEvent *event, AnitaEventSummary *summary, const TruthAnitaEvent *truth=0) | UCorrelator::Analyzer | |
Analyzer(const AnalysisConfig *cfg=0, bool interactive=false) | UCorrelator::Analyzer | |
clearInteractiveMemory(double frac=0.5) const (defined in UCorrelator::Analyzer) | UCorrelator::Analyzer | |
drawSummary(TPad *chpol=0, TPad *cvpol=0, int draw_filtered=0) const | UCorrelator::Analyzer | |
getCoherent(AnitaPol::AnitaPol_t pol, int i, bool filtered=false) const | UCorrelator::Analyzer | inline |
getCoherentPower(AnitaPol::AnitaPol_t pol, int i, bool filtered=false) const | UCorrelator::Analyzer | inline |
getCoherentXpol(AnitaPol::AnitaPol_t pol, int i, bool filtered=false) const | UCorrelator::Analyzer | inline |
getCorrelationMap(AnitaPol::AnitaPol_t pol) const | UCorrelator::Analyzer | inline |
getCorrelator() | UCorrelator::Analyzer | inline |
getDeconvolved(AnitaPol::AnitaPol_t pol, int i, bool filtered=false) const | UCorrelator::Analyzer | inline |
getDeconvolvedPower(AnitaPol::AnitaPol_t pol, int i, bool filtered=false) const | UCorrelator::Analyzer | inline |
getDeconvolvedXpol(AnitaPol::AnitaPol_t pol, int i, bool filtered=false) const | UCorrelator::Analyzer | inline |
getResponseManager() (defined in UCorrelator::Analyzer) | UCorrelator::Analyzer | inline |
getRoughPhi(AnitaPol::AnitaPol_t pol, int i) const (defined in UCorrelator::Analyzer) | UCorrelator::Analyzer | inline |
getRoughTheta(AnitaPol::AnitaPol_t pol, int i) const (defined in UCorrelator::Analyzer) | UCorrelator::Analyzer | inline |
getSummary() const (defined in UCorrelator::Analyzer) | UCorrelator::Analyzer | inline |
getWaveformCombiner() | UCorrelator::Analyzer | inline |
getXPolWaveformCombiner() | UCorrelator::Analyzer | inline |
getZoomedCorrelationMap(AnitaPol::AnitaPol_t pol, int i) const | UCorrelator::Analyzer | inline |
setDisallowedAntennas(ULong64_t hpol=0, ULong64_t vpol=0) | UCorrelator::Analyzer | inline |
setExcludePhiRange(double phiMin, double phiMax) | UCorrelator::Analyzer | inline |
setExcludeThetaPhiRange(double thetaMin, double thetaMax, double phiMin, double phiMax) | UCorrelator::Analyzer | inline |
setExcludeThetaRange(double thetaMin, double thetaMax) | UCorrelator::Analyzer | inline |
setExtraFilters(FilterStrategy *extra) | UCorrelator::Analyzer | |
setExtraFiltersDeconvolved(FilterStrategy *extra) | UCorrelator::Analyzer | |
setPhiRange(double phiMin, double phiMax) | UCorrelator::Analyzer | inline |
setThetaPhiRange(double thetaMin, double thetaMax, double phiMin, double phiMax) | UCorrelator::Analyzer | inline |
setThetaRange(double thetaMin, double thetaMax) | UCorrelator::Analyzer | inline |
setTrackLDB(double setdTheta=2.5, double setdPhi=5., bool blockOut=false) | UCorrelator::Analyzer | inline |
setTrackSource(double setLon, double setLat, double setAlt, double setdTheta=2.5, double setdPhi=5., bool blockOut=false) | UCorrelator::Analyzer | inline |
setTrackSun(double setdTheta=2.5, double setdPhi=5., bool blockOut=false) | UCorrelator::Analyzer | inline |
setTrackWAIS(double setdTheta=2.5, double setdPhi=5., bool blockOut=false) | UCorrelator::Analyzer | inline |
~Analyzer() | UCorrelator::Analyzer | virtual |