Classes | Functions | Variables
UCorrelator Namespace Reference


class  A3toA4ConversionFilter
class  AdaptiveBrickWallFilter
class  AdaptiveButterworthFilter
class  AdaptiveFilterAbby
class  AdaptiveMinimumPhaseFilter
class  AnalysisConfig
class  Analyzer
class  AntennaPositions
class  AntiBH13Filter
class  Baseline
class  BH13Filter
class  CachedFC
class  CombinedSineSubtractFilter
class  ComplicatedNotchFilter
class  ConstantPointingResolutionModel
class  Correlator
class  CorrelatorLocks
struct  EASFitResult
class  EASFitter
class  HeadingErrorEstimator
class  KDE2D
class  PointingResolution
class  PointingResolutionModel
class  PointingResolutionModelPlusHeadingError
class  PointingResolutionParSNRModel
class  ProbabilityMap
class  SineSubtractCache
class  SineSubtractFilter
class  TimeDependentAverage
class  TimeDependentAverageLoader
class  timePadFilter
struct  TrigCache
class  WaveformCombiner


double getAntennaGroupDelay (double phidiff, double theta)
double getDeltaTtoCenter (int ant1, double phi, double theta, AnitaPol::AnitaPol_t pol, bool includeGroupDelay=false, bool includeTimeShift=true, bool simulationTimeShift=false)
double getDeltaT (int ant1, int ant2, double phi, double theta, AnitaPol::AnitaPol_t pol, bool includeGroupDelay=false)
double getDeltaTFast (int ant1, int ant2, int phibin, int thetabin, AnitaPol::AnitaPol_t pol, const TrigCache *cache, bool includeGroupDelay=false)
const AntarcticSegmentationSchemedefaultSegmentationScheme ()
const UCorrelator::PointingResolutionModeldefaultPointingResolutionModel ()
const char * fillStrategyWithKey (FilterStrategy *fillme, const char *key)
FilterStrategygetStrategyWithKey (const char *key)
void setAdaptiveFilterSpectrumAverageNSecs (int nsecs)
bool antennaIsNorthFacing (FilteredAnitaEvent *ev, int ant, AnitaPol::AnitaPol_t)
double getZRMS (const TH2 *, const int *lims=0)
TH2 * rotateHistogram (const TH2 *inHist, double rotate)
TProfile2D * TH2toTProfile2D (TH2 *inTH2)
void fillTProfile2DWithTH2 (TProfile2D *prof, TH2 *hist)
double getMapMean (const TH2 *interfMap, bool sphWeight=true, double antOffset=0)
double getMapRMS (const TH2 *interfMap, bool sphWeight=true, double antOffset=0)
double getMapSNR (const TH2 *interfMap, bool sphWeight=true, double antOffset=0)
double getMapPeakZScore (const TH2 *interfMap, bool sphWeight=true, double antOffset=0)
double getWAISDt (const UsefulAdu5Pat *pat, const RawAnitaHeader *hdr, AnitaPol::AnitaPol_t pol=AnitaPol::kHorizontal, const AnalysisConfig *cfg=0, double *distance=0)
double getSIPLEDt (const UsefulAdu5Pat *pat, const RawAnitaHeader *hdr, AnitaPol::AnitaPol_t pol=AnitaPol::kHorizontal, const AnalysisConfig *cfg=0, double *distance=0)
bool isWAISVPol (const UsefulAdu5Pat *pat, const RawAnitaHeader *hdr, const AnalysisConfig *cfg=0)
bool isWAISHPol (const UsefulAdu5Pat *pat, const RawAnitaHeader *hdr, const AnalysisConfig *cfg=0)
bool isLDB (const RawAnitaHeader *hdr, const AnalysisConfig *cfg=0)
bool isSIPLEVPol (const UsefulAdu5Pat *pat, const RawAnitaHeader *hdr, const AnalysisConfig *cfg=0)
bool isSIPLEHPol (const UsefulAdu5Pat *pat, const RawAnitaHeader *hdr, const AnalysisConfig *cfg=0)


const double defaultLevelThresholds [] = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10}

Detailed Description

Kernel Density Estimator 2d

Function Documentation

bool UCorrelator::antennaIsNorthFacing ( FilteredAnitaEvent ev,
int  ant,
AnitaPol::AnitaPol_t  pol 

Condition used for satellite filter

Definition at line 506 of file

const char * UCorrelator::fillStrategyWithKey ( FilterStrategy fillme,
const char *  key 

Convenience function for getting a FilterStrategy with a given string key.

!!! all of these include an ALFA filter at the very end for A3 !!!

They may be chained together as well (require a + to separate, e.g. decon+sinsub_05_0)

Valid keys so far are:

sinsub_%02d_d[_option] sin subtraction format: (100 * minimum power reduction, num failed iter)

Options include:

add Make adaptive (with peakiness exponent). peakiness exponent always between 1 and 10, so if e.g. is 15, interpreted as 1.5

Example: sinsub_05_0_ad_2

envs[_g_g] Use envelope detection. s should be one of "hilbert","rms" or "peak"

If you pass additional parameters they are passed as parameters to setEnvelopeOption(otherwise the defaults are used).

peakfinds[_g_g_g_g] Modify peak-finding preferences

s should be one of "global", "neighbor," "tspectrum", or "savgolsub"

If you pass additional parameters, they are passed as params to setPeakFindingOption (otherwise defaults used)

adsinsub_d_%02d_d * adaptive sin subtraction Shortcut for to sinsub_%02d_d_ad_d (where the first d becomes the last d)

butter_d_d adaptive butterworth format : (peakiness threshold,order)

peakiness threshold is interpreted as necessarily between 1 and 10, so if it's e.g. 15, it becomes 1.5

minphase_d adaptive minimum phase format : (peakiness exponent)

peakiness exponent is interpreted as necessarily between 1 and 10, so if it's e.g. 15, it becomes 1.5

brickwall_d_d brick wall with peakiness threshold format (peakiness threshold, fill notch)

peakiness threshold is interpreted as necessarily between 1 and 10, so if it's e.g. 15, it becomes 1.5 if fill notch not 0, notch is filled according to spectrum average

deconv deconvolve filter (using ``best'' known response) . Should be used in conjunction with others.

geom geometric filter ( preliminary support)

abby attempt at duplicating Abby's filter strategy (probably doesn't work for A3)

simpleband_g_g fixed brickwall pass band filter, freqs in MHz (correspond to start and end of pass band)

simplenotch_g_g fixed brickwall notch filter, freqs in MHz (correspond to start and end of notch)

Returns a human readable description.

now check for additional options


Definition at line 50 of file

double UCorrelator::getAntennaGroupDelay ( double  phidiff,
double  theta 

Placeholder for now ... this should be updated for A3

Definition at line 17 of file DeltaT.h.

double UCorrelator::getDeltaT ( int  ant1,
int  ant2,
double  phi,
double  theta,
AnitaPol::AnitaPol_t  pol,
bool  includeGroupDelay = false 

Geometric delay between antennas

Definition at line 68 of file DeltaT.h.

double UCorrelator::getDeltaTFast ( int  ant1,
int  ant2,
int  phibin,
int  thetabin,
AnitaPol::AnitaPol_t  pol,
const TrigCache cache,
bool  includeGroupDelay = false 

Geometric delay between antennas using cached trig values

TODO: This has to be vectorized somehow, at least over one dimension, as it's currently one of the bottlenecks.

Definition at line 96 of file DeltaT.h.

double UCorrelator::getDeltaTtoCenter ( int  ant1,
double  phi,
double  theta,
AnitaPol::AnitaPol_t  pol,
bool  includeGroupDelay = false,
bool  includeTimeShift = true,
bool  simulationTimeShift = false 

Geometric delay between the phase center of an antenna and a center point set to TRUE corrects for the phase center R offset so that polarization measurements will come out correctly set to TRUE makes the above correction in the opposite direction so that simulated event polarization measurements come out correctly

Definition at line 43 of file DeltaT.h.

double UCorrelator::getSIPLEDt ( const UsefulAdu5Pat pat,
const RawAnitaHeader hdr,
AnitaPol::AnitaPol_t  pol = AnitaPol::kHorizontal,
const AnalysisConfig cfg = 0,
double *  distance = 0 

Get difference in time between trigger time and expected arrival of a cal pulse

Definition at line 81 of file

FilterStrategy * UCorrelator::getStrategyWithKey ( const char *  key)

same as above, but returns a newly allocated strategy and no description

Definition at line 28 of file

double UCorrelator::getWAISDt ( const UsefulAdu5Pat pat,
const RawAnitaHeader hdr,
AnitaPol::AnitaPol_t  pol = AnitaPol::kHorizontal,
const AnalysisConfig cfg = 0,
double *  distance = 0 

Get difference in time between trigger time and expected arrival of a WAIS cal pulse

Definition at line 14 of file

bool UCorrelator::isLDB ( const RawAnitaHeader hdr,
const AnalysisConfig cfg = 0 

Returns true if we think it's a LDB cal pulse

Definition at line 92 of file

bool UCorrelator::isSIPLEHPol ( const UsefulAdu5Pat pat,
const RawAnitaHeader hdr,
const AnalysisConfig cfg = 0 

Returns true if we think it's a SIPLE hpol cal pulse

Definition at line 67 of file

bool UCorrelator::isSIPLEVPol ( const UsefulAdu5Pat pat,
const RawAnitaHeader hdr,
const AnalysisConfig cfg = 0 

Returns true if we think it's a SIPLE vpol cal pulse

Definition at line 53 of file

bool UCorrelator::isWAISHPol ( const UsefulAdu5Pat pat,
const RawAnitaHeader hdr,
const AnalysisConfig cfg = 0 

Returns true if we think it's a WAIS hpol cal pulse

Definition at line 39 of file

bool UCorrelator::isWAISVPol ( const UsefulAdu5Pat pat,
const RawAnitaHeader hdr,
const AnalysisConfig cfg = 0 

Returns true if we think it's a WAIS vpol cal pulse

Definition at line 26 of file