o|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-—=====UCorrelator=====-— ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\ o| \ o|The new version of MyCorrelator conforming to our ad hoc analysis API \ o| \ o| Cosmin Deaconu cozzy.nosp@m.d@ki.nosp@m.cp.uc.nosp@m.hica.nosp@m.go.ed.nosp@m.u, \ o| based on Abby's code with some of Peter's changes \ o| \ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ \

Why UCorrelator? Well, it's based on MyCorrelator and developed at the University of Chicago (UC), so I guess it's kind of a pun?

See Doxygen documentation (make doc) for more detailed information. If you're at UChicago on midway, you'll need to module load doxygen first!