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UCorrelator::AnalysisConfig Class Reference

#include <AnalysisConfig.h>


class  Pulser

Public Types

enum  FinePeakFindingOption_t {
  FinePeakFindingAbby, FinePeakFindingBicubic, FinePeakFindingGaussianFit, FinePeakFindingQuadraticFit9,
  FinePeakFindingQuadraticFit16, FinePeakFindingQuadraticFit25, FinePeakFindingHistogram
 Minimum distance of a phi sector peak lies in from an unmasked sector. If 0, only unmasked sectors will be considered. 1 means immediate neighbors are ok. negative (default) means no check is performed. More...
enum  ResponseOption_t {
  ResponseNone, ResponseSingleBRotter, ResponseIndividualBRotter, ResponseHarmSignalOnly,
  ResponseTUFF, ResponseA4NoNotches, ResponseA4, ResponseA4Old,

Public Member Functions

 AnalysisConfig (const char *config_file=0)
void loadFromFile (const char *config_file)
TH2 * ldb_hist () const

Static Public Member Functions

static const char * getPeakFindingString (FinePeakFindingOption_t opt)
static const char * getResponseString (ResponseOption_t opt)

Public Attributes

unsigned correlator_nphi
unsigned correlator_ntheta
 Number of phi bins in rough correlation map.
double correlator_theta_lowest
 Number of theta bins in rough correlation map.
double correlator_theta_highest
 Lowest elevation considred, measured as positive below horizon. (negative would be above horizon)
bool enable_group_delay
 Highest elevation considered, measured as positive above horizon. (negative would be below horizon)
int zoomed_nphi
 enable group delay in interferometer
int zoomed_ntheta
 number of phi bins in zoomed correlation map
double zoomed_dphi
 number of theta bins in zoomed correlation map
double zoomed_dtheta
 size of phi bins in zoomed correlation map
int zoomed_nant
 size of theta bins in zoomed correlation map
unsigned combine_nantennas
 If non-zero, limit antennas considered in zoomed correlation map to nearest zoomed_nant antennas.
unsigned combine_npad
 number of antennas used to create coherent / deconvolved waveforms
double saturation_threshold
 supersampling factor for combining waveforms (i.e. how many times to pad in fourier domain. npad = 1 is super sample by 100%)
AnitaPol::AnitaPol_t start_pol
 threshold to consider a waveform saturated
AnitaPol::AnitaPol_t end_pol
 Start polarization for Analyer (kHORIZONTAL if you want just hpol or both, kVERTICAL if you want just vpol)
double peak_isolation_requirement
 End polarization for Analyer (kHORIZONTAL if you want just hpo. kVERTICAL if you want just vpol or both.)
double max_peak_trigger_angle
 Minimum distance.
int min_peak_distance_from_unmasked
 Maximum distance from trigger angle to consider a peak (<=0 is any, default 0);.
enum UCorrelator::AnalysisConfig::FinePeakFindingOption_t fine_peak_finding_option
enum UCorrelator::AnalysisConfig::ResponseOption_t response_option
const char * response_string
int response_npad
int nmaxima
bool use_bin_center
 number of maxima computed
double bw_ndb
 True to use bin center in interferometric map.
double spectral_fit_start
 the bandwidth of a waveform is defined as the portion of the power spectrum near the highest value above -ndb
double spectral_fit_stop
double noise_estimate_t0
double noise_estimate_t1
 this is used to pick parts of the waveform for calcuating the N in SNR
bool scale_by_cos_theta
 this is used to pick parts of the waveform for calcuating the N in SNR
bool use_offline_mask
 Scale peak values by cos theta when picking max (due to different bin sizes)
double baseline_weight
 use offline phi masking / l1 triggers (default true)
double correlation_gain_correction
 exponent for baseline weighting of correlation maps (since longer baselines give you better resolution) , default 0
double max_mean_power_filtered
double max_median_power_filtered
double max_bottom_to_top_ratio
double max_theta_adjustment
Pulser wais_hpol
Pulser wais_vpol
Pulser siple_hpol
Pulser siple_vpol
int ldb_max_run
bool fill_blast_fraction
bool compute_shape_parameters
bool trace_to_continent
bool set_bottom_first
bool delay_to_center
bool r_time_shift_correction
bool simulation_time_shift_correction
double cross_correlate_hv
bool only_use_usable
int use_antenna_level_snr
double stokes_fracI
bool use_forced_trigger_rms
bool use_coherent_spectra
bool use_hilbert_for_antenna_average
double combine_t0
double combine_t1
bool fill_channel_info

Detailed Description

This class (really, it should be a struct but for CINT) stores configuration parameters that influence the behavior of th Analyzer. The defaults are defined within

Definition at line 19 of file AnalysisConfig.h.

Collaboration diagram for UCorrelator::AnalysisConfig:
Collaboration graph

Member Enumeration Documentation

Minimum distance of a phi sector peak lies in from an unmasked sector. If 0, only unmasked sectors will be considered. 1 means immediate neighbors are ok. negative (default) means no check is performed.

Choice of interferometer fine peak finding


Abby's interpolation method.


Bicubic interpolation (not implemented yet)


Bivariate gaussian fit (slow)


quadratic fit near peak, using 9 bins


quadratic fit near peak, using 16 bins


quadratic fit near peak, using 25 bins

Definition at line 56 of file AnalysisConfig.h.


Ben's unified respone.


Ben's individual responses.


Harm's signal chain only thing (currently used in icemc)


A3 response with TUFFs convolved in.


A4 response without the TUFFs - these are new UH 2019 impulses.


A4 response with TUFFs convolved in - these are new UH 2019 impulses.

Definition at line 69 of file AnalysisConfig.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

UCorrelator::AnalysisConfig::AnalysisConfig ( const char *  config_file = 0)

construct from file

Definition at line 122 of file

Member Function Documentation

TH2 * UCorrelator::AnalysisConfig::ldb_hist ( ) const

For LDB pulser, we rely on a histogram generated by e.g. macros/makeLDBSelection.C for now"

Definition at line 212 of file

void UCorrelator::AnalysisConfig::loadFromFile ( const char *  config_file)

load options from file

Definition at line 108 of file

Member Data Documentation

bool UCorrelator::AnalysisConfig::compute_shape_parameters

option to turn off computing/saving shape parameters, should save time and space if you aren't planning on using them, default is to compute them

Definition at line 135 of file AnalysisConfig.h.

double UCorrelator::AnalysisConfig::cross_correlate_hv

If non-zero, we will cross-corralte h and v within this window (basically asserting linear polarization)

Definition at line 154 of file AnalysisConfig.h.

AnitaResponse::DeconvolutionMethod* UCorrelator::AnalysisConfig::deconvolution_method

TODO: this has to be loaded from file somehow

Definition at line 157 of file AnalysisConfig.h.

bool UCorrelator::AnalysisConfig::delay_to_center

delay_to_center: Makes it so the delays in the coherent sum are referenced to the center point

Definition at line 147 of file AnalysisConfig.h.

bool UCorrelator::AnalysisConfig::fill_blast_fraction

Fill the payload blast fraction in the flags. Requires having the time dependent averages right now , so default is false

Definition at line 132 of file AnalysisConfig.h.

bool UCorrelator::AnalysisConfig::only_use_usable

option to turn off using antennas marked as not usable by anita flight info. default is OFF (use all antennas)

Definition at line 160 of file AnalysisConfig.h.

bool UCorrelator::AnalysisConfig::set_bottom_first

set_bottom_first: Re-arrange the coherently summed waveforms so that the bottom-most ring is always the first antenna to be summed.

Definition at line 143 of file AnalysisConfig.h.

bool UCorrelator::AnalysisConfig::trace_to_continent

option to turn off computing/saving the source location on the continent, can probably turn off until clustering, default is ON

Definition at line 138 of file AnalysisConfig.h.

int UCorrelator::AnalysisConfig::use_antenna_level_snr

option to replace coherent waveform snr with: the vpp/2 of the antenna with the largest vpp, divided by the average rms of all antennas that go into the coherent sum (option 1) or average vpp/2 of all the antennas that go into coherent sum divided by the average rms of all the antennas that go into the coherent sum (option 2) (currently only works correctly with use_forced_trigger_rms set to ON) Default is OFF

Definition at line 167 of file AnalysisConfig.h.

bool UCorrelator::AnalysisConfig::use_coherent_spectra

Whether or not to use the average of the spectra or the spectra of the coherent/deconvolved

Definition at line 176 of file AnalysisConfig.h.

bool UCorrelator::AnalysisConfig::use_forced_trigger_rms

Use the nearby forced trigger rms instead of estimating it from the waveform

Definition at line 173 of file AnalysisConfig.h.

bool UCorrelator::AnalysisConfig::use_hilbert_for_antenna_average

Whether or not to compute the antennaPeakAverage with hilbert peak

Definition at line 179 of file AnalysisConfig.h.

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