►CBaseList::abstract_base | |
CBaseList::base | |
CBaseList::path | |
►CAnitaResponse::AbstractResponse | |
CAnitaResponse::CompositeResponse | |
CAnitaResponse::Response | |
CAcqdStartStruct_t | The Acqd Startup Struct – Telemetered |
CAnalogueCorrectedDataStruct_t | Acromag data array |
CAnalogueDataStruct_t | Acromag data array |
CUCorrelator::AnalysisConfig | |
CAcclaim::AnalysisSettings | |
CAnalysisWaveform | This class is intended to be the main storage vessel for ANITA waveforms. It is similar in principle to RFWaveform from FFTtools. |
►CFFTtools::AnalyticSignal | |
CFFTtools::BandlimitedSampledSignal | |
CFFTtools::CompositeSignal | |
CFFTtools::ThermalNoise | |
CUCorrelator::Analyzer | |
CAnita | Contains everything about positions within payload and signals it sees for each event, in both the trigger and signal paths |
CAnitaCanvasMaker | The event display canvas maker |
CAnitaDataset | |
CAnitaEventBody_t | Raw event format |
CAnitaEventFaker | |
CAnitaEventFull_t | Full event format – never used |
CAnitaEventHeader_t | ANITA Event Header – Telemetered |
CAnitaEventHeaderVer10_t | |
CAnitaEventHeaderVer11_t | |
CAnitaEventHeaderVer12_t | |
CAnitaEventHeaderVer13_t | |
CAnitaEventHeaderVer30_t | ANITA Event Header – Telemetered |
CAnitaEventHeaderVer33_t | ANITA Event Header – Telemetered |
CAnitaEventHeaderVer40_t | ANITA Event Header – Telemetered |
CAnitaEventReconstructor | |
CAnitaGeomTool | AnitaGeomTool – The ANITA Geometry Tool |
CAnitaGpsCanvasMaker | The GPS canvas maker |
CAnitaNoiseMachine | |
CAnitaNoiseSummary | |
CAnitaRFCanvasMaker | The SURF and TURF hk display canvas maker |
CAnitaTemplateSummary | |
CAntarcticCoord | |
►CAntarcticSegmentationScheme | |
CStereographicGrid | |
CUCorrelator::AntennaPositions | |
Clazylookup::arr< N, T > | |
Catm_meas | |
►CAntarcticAtmosphere::AtmosphericModel | |
CAntarcticAtmosphere::ArtificialInversion | |
CAntarcticAtmosphere::InterpolatedAtmosphere | |
CAntarcticAtmosphere::SPRadiosonde | |
►CAntarcticAtmosphere::StandardUS | |
CAntarcticAtmosphere::ExponentialRefractivity | |
CAveragedSurfHkStruct_t | Average Surf Hk – Telemetered |
CAveragedSurfHkStructVer12_t | |
CAveragedSurfHkStructVer13_t | |
CAveragedSurfHkStructVer14_t | |
CAveragedSurfHkStructVer30_t | |
CFFTtools::Averager | |
CUCorrelator::ProbabilityMap::Params::BackwardParams | |
CBalloon | Handles everything related to balloon positions, payload orientation over the course of a flight |
CUCorrelator::Baseline | |
Cbaselist_impl | |
CBaseWavePacketHeader_t | Encoded PedSubbed Packet Header – Telemetered |
CBedmapReader | |
CUCorrelator::CachedFC | |
CCalibStruct_t | On board structure for calibration/relay status |
CCartesianSurfaceMap | |
CAnitaEventSummary::ChannelInfo | |
CChanTrigger | Class that handles the channel trigger |
CClass | |
CAcclaim::Clustering::Cluster | A position on the continent, with which a bunch of events are associated |
CAcclaim::CmdLineArgs | A simple command line option parser |
CUCorrelator::ProbabilityMap::Params::CollisionDetectionParams | |
CCommandEcho_t | Command Echo – Telemetered |
CCommandStruct_t | On board command structre |
CCorrelationFactory | The correlation factory which takes two waveforms and correlates them |
CUCorrelator::Correlator | |
CUCorrelator::CorrelatorLocks | |
CCorrTree | |
CCounting | Handles event counting as cuts are made |
►CAcclaim::CrossCorrelator | A class to take in FiteredAnitaEvents and cross-correlate nearby channels |
CAcclaim::TemplateCorrelator | Cross-correlate all channels of an event with a template |
CAcclaim::CutOptimizer | A class to parse AnitaEventSummary trees, extract quantities of interest, feed them into a TMVA framework and separate them |
CFFTtools::CWT | |
CAcclaim::DataQualityMonitor | Looks for SURF saturation |
►CAnitaResponse::DeconvolutionMethod | |
CAnitaResponse::AllPassDeconvolution | |
CAnitaResponse::BandLimitedDeconvolution | |
CAnitaResponse::CLEAN | |
CAnitaResponse::CLEANDeconvolution | |
CAnitaResponse::ImpulseResponseXCorr | |
CAnitaResponse::NaiveDeconvolution | |
CAnitaResponse::WienerDeconvolution | |
Clazylookup::grid_interpolator_storage::dense | |
►CFFTtools::DigitalFilter | |
CFFTtools::DigitalFilterSeries | |
►CFFTtools::FIRFilter | |
CFFTtools::BoxFilter | |
CFFTtools::DifferenceFilter | |
CFFTtools::GaussianFilter | |
CFFTtools::LanczosFilter | |
CFFTtools::SavitzkyGolayFilter | |
CFFTtools::SincFilter | |
►CFFTtools::IIRFilter | |
CFFTtools::InverseFilter | |
CFFTtools::MinimumPhaseFilter | |
CFFTtools::ThiranFilter | |
►CFFTtools::TransformedZPKFilter | |
CFFTtools::ButterworthFilter | |
CFFTtools::ChebyshevIFilter | |
CFFTtools::RCFilter | |
CDiskSpaceStruct_t | Disk Space |
►CEarthModel | Shape of the earth, ice thicknesses, profiles of earth layers, densities, neutrino absorption |
CIceModel | Ice thicknesses and water depth |
CUCorrelator::EASFitResult | |
CUCorrelator::EASFitter | |
CEncodeControlStruct_t | No idea |
CEncodedEventWrapper_t | Wrapper for data that is written encoded |
CEncodedSurfChannelHeader_t | Channel header for encoded data |
CEncodedSurfPacketHeader_t | Encoded SURF Packet header – Telemetered |
►CAcclaim::Clustering::Event | Minimum required information about an ANITA event to be clustered |
CAcclaim::Clustering::McEvent | Same as event, but with an energy and a weight |
CAnitaEventSummary::EventFlags | |
CAcclaim::FancyTTreeInterpolator | A class to interpolate sparse, but continuous data in a TTree |
CFFTWComplex | This is a wrapper class for a complex number |
CFFTtools::FFTWindow | |
►CFFTtools::FFTWindowType | |
CFFTtools::BlackmanHarrisWindow | |
CFFTtools::BlackmanWindow | |
CFFTtools::GaussianWindow | |
CFFTtools::HammingWindow | |
CFFTtools::HannWindow | |
CFFTtools::KaiserWindow | |
CFFTtools::RectangularWindow | |
CFFTtools::TriangularWindow | |
CFFTtools::TukeyWindow | |
►CFilteredAnitaEvent | This class is intended to store all the necessary data about an ANITA event for filtering and analysis. It stores the raw and filtered waveforms as well as auxilliary information |
CPrettyAnalysisWaveform | |
►CFilterOperation | |
CALFAButterworthFilter | |
CALFALanczosFilter | |
CALFASincFilter | |
CAnitaResponse::DeconvolveFilter | |
CConditionalFilterOperation | |
CGeometricFilter | |
CHybridFilter | |
CSumDifferenceFilter | |
CUCorrelator::A3toA4ConversionFilter | |
CUCorrelator::AdaptiveBrickWallFilter | |
CUCorrelator::AdaptiveButterworthFilter | |
CUCorrelator::AdaptiveFilterAbby | |
CUCorrelator::AdaptiveMinimumPhaseFilter | |
CUCorrelator::AntiBH13Filter | |
CUCorrelator::BH13Filter | |
CUCorrelator::CombinedSineSubtractFilter | |
CUCorrelator::SineSubtractFilter | |
CUCorrelator::timePadFilter | |
►CUniformFilterOperation | |
CAcclaim::Filters::Notch | Filters contiguous frequency bins in the FourierDomain |
►CAcclaim::Filters::RayleighMonitor | Tracks the amplitudes of frequencies but doesn't do anything else, to be inherited from |
CAcclaim::Filters::RayleighFilter | Tracks the amplitudes of frequencies, how well they track a Rayleigh distribution and filters if they do not |
CAcclaim::Filters::SpectrumMagnitude | Silly filtering class, don't use it |
CAcclaim::Filters::UniformMagnitude | Silly filtering class, don't use it |
CDeglitchFilter | |
CDigitalFilterOperation | |
CDiodeFilter | |
CGaussianTaper | |
CIFFTDiffFilter | |
CSimpleNotchFilter | |
CSimplePassBandFilter | |
CUCorrelator::ComplicatedNotchFilter | |
CFilterStrategy | A filter strategy defines the sets of filters that are used and provides some introspection abilities. At its most basic level, the strategy will serially apply a set of filters |
CUCorrelator::peakfinder::FineMaximum | |
CFormulaHolder | Contains the TTreeFormula and trick TChain into notifying all the formulas |
CAcclaim::FourierBuffer | A a glorified ring buffer of frequency amplitudes with a TSpectrum to look for CW spikes |
CFreqDomainFunction | |
CFullAnalogueStruct_t | Full Acromag data structure |
CFullLabChipPedStruct_t | Pedestal Block – Telemetered |
CFullPedStruct_t | Pedestal utility |
CFullSurfHkStruct_t | SURF Hk – Telemetered |
CFullSurfHkStructVer12_t | |
CFullSurfHkStructVer13_t | |
CFullSurfHkStructVer14_t | |
CFullSurfHkStructVer30_t | SURF Hk – Telemetered |
CFullSurfHkStructVer40_t | |
Clazylookup::generic_map< M, K, V > | |
CGenericHeader_t | The Generic Header |
CGlobalTrigger | Global Trigger |
CGpsAdu5PatStruct_t | ADU5 Postion and Attitude – Telemetered |
CGpsAdu5SatStruct_t | ADU5 Satellite Info – Telemetered |
CGpsAdu5VtgStruct_t | ADU5 course and speed info – Telemetered |
CGpsdStartStruct_t | Gpsd Start Block – Telemetered |
CGpsG12PosStruct_t | G12 Position and speed info – Telemetered |
CGpsG12SatStruct_t | G12 Satellite Info – Telemetered |
CGpsGgaStruct_t | ADU5 Postion and Geoid – Telemetered |
CGpsSatInfo_t | Gps Satellite Info |
CGpsSubTime_t | GPS Event Timestamp |
CGpuAnitaBandPowerSpectrumStruct_t | |
CGpuPhiSectorPowerSpectrumStruct_t | |
Clazylookup::grid_interpolator< Ndims, Storage > | |
►CAcclaim::GuiParent | Inherit from this to draw interactive TGraphs on top of you |
CAcclaim::InterferometricMap | |
CAcclaim::TGraphInteractive | A minimalistic extension to TGraphAligned for some GUI bells and whistles |
CHandles | |
CHCHKTree | |
CHCPairTree | |
CHCTree | |
CUCorrelator::HeadingErrorEstimator | |
CHical2 | |
CHkDataStruct_t | Hk Data Struct – Telemetered |
►CIBaseFunctionMultiDim | |
CEASFitFn | |
Cicemodel_debug | |
Cidiocy | |
►CIGradientFunctionMultiDim | |
CNegativeBicubicFunction | |
CIndexEntry_t | On board Index struct |
CInteraction | Stores everything about a particular neutrino interaction. Interaction |
CAcclaim::InterferometryCache | Class to cache the deltaTs or parts of their calculation for fast map making |
CAnalysisWaveform::InterpolationOptions | |
CRingBuffer::iterator | |
CUCorrelator::KDE2D | |
CUCorrelator::KDE2D::KDE2DOptions | |
CLabChipChannelPedStruct_t | On board pedestal struct |
CAcclaim::Clustering::LogLikelihoodMethod | Workhorse class: groups events into clusters around bases and other events using the log likelihood method |
CLogWatchdStart_t | LogWatchd Start Block – Telemetered |
CLogWatchRequest_t | On board log request struct |
CMagnetometerDataStruct_t | The magnetometer data |
CUCorrelator::ProbabilityMap::Params::MCParams | |
CUCorrelator::EASFitResult::MinimizationResult | |
CAnitaResponse::MinimumPhaseDeconvolution | |
►CRefraction::Model | |
►CRefraction::PositionIndependentModel | |
CRefraction::PGFit | |
CRefraction::SphRay | |
CMonitorStruct_t | Monitor Block – Telemetered |
►CFFTtools::CWT::MotherWavelet | |
CFFTtools::CWT::Morlet | |
CFFTtools::CWT::Ricker | |
CFFTtools::CWT::Ridger | |
CAnitaTMVA::MVAVar | |
CAnitaTMVA::MVAVarSet | |
CNoiseMonitor | |
CAcclaim::OutputConvention | A class to systematically name files produced by my analysis programs |
COverengineered | |
CUCorrelator::ProbabilityMap::Params | |
CAntarcticAtmosphere::Pars | |
Cpathlist_impl | |
CAnitaEventSummary::PayloadLocation | |
CPayloadParameters | |
CPedCalcStruct_t | Pedestal utility |
CPedestalStruct_t | Pedestal utility |
CPedSubbedEventBody_t | Pedestal subtracted event format |
CPedSubbedEventBodyVer10_t | |
CPedSubbedEventBodyVer11_t | |
CPedSubbedSurfPacket_t | Pedestal subtracted SURF wavefom packet – Telemetered |
CPedSubbedWaveformPacket_t | Pedsubbed Waveform packet – Telemetered |
CPlaybackRequest_t | On board Playback request |
CAnitaEventSummary::PointingHypothesis | |
CUCorrelator::PointingResolution | |
►CUCorrelator::PointingResolutionModel | |
CUCorrelator::ConstantPointingResolutionModel | |
CUCorrelator::PointingResolutionModelPlusHeadingError | |
CUCorrelator::PointingResolutionParSNRModel | |
CPolarityMachine | |
CAnalysisWaveform::PowerCalculationOptions | |
CPrimaries | Functions you need to generate a primary interaction including cross sections and picking charged current/neutral current and flavor Primaries |
CProcessInfo_t | Process Information |
CNoiseMonitor::ProfPair | |
CAcclaim::ProgressBar | Prints a progress bar and timer to stderr |
CUCorrelator::AnalysisConfig::Pulser | |
CQueueStruct_t | Queue Stuff |
CrampData | |
CRampdemReader | |
Crandom_initializer | |
CRawDataReader | RawDataReader – Raw data reader |
CRawSurfChannelHeader_t | The channel header |
CRawSurfPacket_t | Raw SURF wavefom packet – Telemetered |
CRawWaveformPacket_t | Raw waveform packet – Telemetered |
CRay | Ray tracing |
CRefraction::RaytracerSpherical | |
CAnitaResponse::ResponseManager | |
CSourceModel::Restriction | |
CRefraction::RaytracerSpherical::Result | |
CRFFilter | |
CRingBuffer | |
CUCorrelator::peakfinder::RoughMaximum | |
CRoughness | |
CRtlSdrPowerSpectraStruct_t | |
Crun_info | |
CRunStart_t | Run Start Block - Telemetered |
CSBSTemperatureDataStruct_t | The XCR14 temperatures |
CScreen | |
CSecondaries | Secondary interactions |
CSensitivityCalculator | |
CRefraction::RaytracerSpherical::Setup | |
CSignal | Radiation from interaction |
CSimpleHCTree | |
CSimpleScalerStruct_t | Debugging use only scaler data |
CFFTtools::SineFitter | |
CFFTtools::SineFitterLimits | |
CFFTtools::SineSubtract | |
CUCorrelator::SineSubtractCache | |
CFFTtools::SineSubtractResult | |
CSingleAnalogueStruct_t | Single Acromag data structure |
CAnitaTemplateSummary::SingleTemplateResult | |
CSlacEncodedSurfChannelHeader_t | Disused |
CSlacRawSurfChannelHeader_t | Disused |
CSlacTurfioStruct_t | The Old SLAC data TURF I/O struct |
CSlowRateFull_t | Slow Rate Block – Telemetered |
CSlowRateHkStruct_t | Slow Hk Stuff |
CSlowRateRFStruct_t | Slow rate struct |
CSlowRateType1_t | Disused |
CSource | |
►CSourceFlux | |
CConstantExponentialSourceFlux | |
CTimeWindowedExponentialSourceFlux | |
►CAnitaEventSummary::SourceHypothesis | |
CAnitaEventSummary::MCTruth | |
CSourceModel | |
Clazylookup::grid_interpolator_storage::sparse | |
CSpectra | Neutrino spectra |
CSSHkDataStruct_t | SS Hk Data Struct – Telemetered |
Cpolarimetry::StokesAnalysis | |
CAcclaim::SummarySet | |
CSummedTurfRateStruct_t | Summed Turf Rates – Telemetered |
CSummedTurfRateStructVer10_t | |
CSummedTurfRateStructVer11_t | |
CSummedTurfRateStructVer14_t | |
CSummedTurfRateStructVer15_t | |
CSummedTurfRateStructVer16_t | |
CSummedTurfRateStructVer40_t | |
CSummedTurfRateStructVer41_t | Summed Turf Rates – Telemetered |
CSurfaceWrapper< coarseness > | |
CSurfChannelFull_t | A complete SURF channel |
CSurfChannelPedSubbed_t | A complete pedestal subtracted SURF channel |
►CTArrow | |
CGeoMagnetic::FieldPoint | |
CTArrowAntarctica | Draw an arrow between two lon/lat points |
►CTGMainFrame | |
CFilteringPanel | The Filtering panel |
CMagicControlPanel | The Magic Display control panel |
CMagicDisplay | The Marvellous ANITA Graphical Interface and Class Display (Magic Display) |
►CTGraph | |
CFFTGraph | The PSD display graph class that inherits from ROOT's TGraph |
CRFSignal | This is a wrapper class for an RF Signal |
►CTGraphAligned | |
CAcclaim::TGraphFB | A little class for some GUI magic (for MagicDisplay) |
CAcclaim::TGraphInteractive | A minimalistic extension to TGraphAligned for some GUI bells and whistles |
CTGraphAntarctica | |
CWaveformGraph | The graph class that inherits from ROOT's TGraph |
►CTH1D | |
CAcclaim::RayleighHist | |
►CTH2D | |
CAcclaim::InterferometricMap | |
CTH2DAntarctica | |
CUCorrelator::gui::Map | |
CThermalAverageWrapper | |
CAcclaim::ThermalChain | A class to handle loading Thermal Trees into chains and applying cuts |
CUCorrelator::TimeDependentAverage | |
CUCorrelator::TimeDependentAverageLoader | |
CTimedMagnetometerDataStruct_t | |
►CTNamed | |
CAcclaim::CutOptimizer::FisherResult | Get the results of the Fisher Discriminant into a more useful form |
Cto | |
►CTObject | |
CAcclaim::AnalysisFlow | High level interface to join up the various bits of the analysis |
CAcclaim::AnalysisReco | Does the event reconstruction, and produces a summary of it |
►CAcclaim::QualityCut | Base class from which all my quality cuts inherit |
CAcclaim::NumPointsCut | Removes events which have short waveforms |
CAcclaim::PayloadBlastCut | Tries to determine whether an event is a payload blast |
CAcclaim::SurfSaturationCut | Tries to find unphysical spikes in a waveform that are characteristic of a kind of digitiser corruption |
CAcqdStart | AcqdStart – The Acqd Start Struct |
►CAdu5Pat | Adu5Pat – The ADU5 Position and Attitude Data |
CUsefulAdu5Pat | As UsefulAnitaEvent is to RawAnitaEvent, UsefulAdu5Pat is to Adu5Pat. Well not quite as useful but you get the picture |
CAdu5Sat | Adu5Sat – The ADU5 Satellite Information |
CAdu5Vtg | Adu5Vtg – The ADU5 Velocity and Course Information |
CAnitaEventCalibrator | AnitaEventCalibrator – The ANITA Event Calibrator |
CAnitaEventSummary | Common analysis format between UCorrelator and Acclaim |
CAnitaTemplateMachine | |
CAveragedSurfHk | AveragedSurfHk – The Averaged SURF Housekeeping data |
CCalibratedHk | CalibratedHk – The calibrated housekeeping data |
CCalibratedSSHk | CalibratedSSHk – The calibrated housekeeping data |
CCommandEcho | CommandEcho – The command echo data |
CCorrelationSummary | This is a poorly thought out class that was meant to be a summary of peaks of the correlations of some antennas |
CCorrelationSummaryAnita3 | This is a poorly thought out class that was meant to be a summary of peaks of the correlations of some antennas for ANITA-3 |
CCorrelationSummaryAnita4 | This is a poorly thought out class that was meant to be a summary of peaks of the correlations of some antennas for ANITA-4 |
CG12Pos | G12Pos – The position data from the G12 |
CG12Sat | G12Sat – The satellite data from the G12 |
CGpsdStart | GpsdStart – The start up packet for GPSd |
CGpsGga | GpsGga – GPS Geoid Data |
CGpuPowerSpectra | GpuPowerSpectra – The GPU Power Specta Data |
CLogWatchdStart | LogWatchdStart – The start packet from LogWatchd |
CMonitorHk | MonitorHk – The CPU Monitor data |
COtherMonitorHk | OtherMonitorHk – The other CPU Monitor data |
CPrettyAnitaHk | PrettyAnitaHk – The prettified ANITA Hk |
►CRawAnitaEvent | RawAnitaEvent – The Raw ANITA Event Data |
CCalibratedAnitaEvent | CalibratedAnitaEvent – The Calibrated Calibrated Anita Event object |
►CUsefulAnitaEvent | UsefulAnitaEvent – The Calibrated Useful Anita Event object |
CPrettyAnitaEvent | This is the event class, inherited from UsefulAnitaEvent, that has a number of correlation related methods |
►CRawAnitaHeader | RawAnitaHeader – The Raw ANITA Event Header |
CTimedAnitaHeader | TimedAnitaHeader – Anita Header withe new time |
CRawHk | RawHk – The Raw ANITA Housekeeping |
CRawSSHk | RawSSHk – The Raw ANITA Housekeeping |
CRTLSpectrum | |
CRunStart | RunStart – The Run start data |
CRX | |
CSettings | Reads in and stores input settings for the run |
CSkyMap | |
CSlowRate | SlowRate – The Slow Rate data |
CSummedTurfRate | SummedTurfRate – The Summed Turf Rate data |
CSurfHk | SurfHk – The raw SURF scaler+threshold data |
CTaumodel | |
CTruthAnitaEvent | TruthAnitaEvent – The Truth ANITA Event |
CTuffNotchStatus | |
CTuffRawCmd | |
CTurfRate | TurfRate – The Turf Rate data |
CTurfRegisterContents | TurfRegisterContents – The Turf Register Contents |
CUCorrelator::ProbabilityMap | |
►CTPaveText | |
CUCorrelator::gui::SummaryText | |
►CTProfile2D | |
CAntarcticaBackground | |
CTProfile2DAntarctica | |
►CTRandom | |
CTRandomXoshiro256Plus | |
CUCorrelator::TrigCache | |
►CTRootEmbeddedCanvas | |
CAnitaEmbeddedCanvas | |
CTruthAnitaNeutrino | |
►CTSelector | |
►CAcclaim::SummarySelector | Template TSelector to be inherited from, designed for use with SummarySet |
CAcclaim::CutTreeSelector | A TSelector to parallelize the creation of trees for CutOptimizer |
CAcclaim::SumTreeReductionSelector | An almost trivial proof of concept, for Tree merging with PROOF |
CTurfioStruct_t | The TURF I/O struct |
CTurfioStructVer10_t | |
CTurfioStructVer11_t | |
CTurfioStructVer12_t | |
CTurfioStructVer13_t | |
CTurfioStructVer30_t | Everything below here is for legacy support |
CTurfioStructVer33_t | The TURF I/O struct |
CTurfioStructVer40_t | The TURF I/O struct |
CTurfRateStruct_t | Turf Rates – Telemetered |
CTurfRateStructVer11_t | |
CTurfRateStructVer12_t | |
CTurfRateStructVer13_t | |
CTurfRateStructVer14_t | |
CTurfRateStructVer15_t | |
CTurfRateStructVer16_t | |
CTurfRateStructVer34_t | |
CTurfRateStructVer35_t | |
CTurfRateStructVer40_t | |
CTurfRateStructVer41_t | Turf Rates – Telemetered |
CTurfRawEventData_t | Debugging use only TURF raw event data |
Clazylookup::vec< T > | |
►CVector | This class represents a three-vector. Operators are overloaded to provide for the familiar operations of vector addition, subtraction, scalar multiplication and division, and the dot product |
CPosition | This class is a 3-vector that represents a position on the Earth's surface |
CUCorrelator::WaveformCombiner | |
CAnitaEventSummary::WaveformInfo | Stores information about a coherently summed waveform (filtered/unfiltered/deconvolved) The coherent summing of the waveform corresponds to a direction stored in a PointingHypothesis Units are assumed to be in mV, ns,and GHz |
CY | Inelasticity distributions: stores parametrizations and picks inelasticities |
CZippedFile_t | Zipped File – Telemetered |
CZippedPacket_t | Zipped packet – Telemetered |