Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 1234]
 CAcqdStartStruct_tThe Acqd Startup Struct – Telemetered
 CAnalogueCorrectedDataStruct_tAcromag data array
 CAnalogueDataStruct_tAcromag data array
 CAnalysisWaveformThis class is intended to be the main storage vessel for ANITA waveforms. It is similar in principle to RFWaveform from FFTtools.
 CAnitaContains everything about positions within payload and signals it sees for each event, in both the trigger and signal paths
 CAnitaCanvasMakerThe event display canvas maker
 CAnitaEventBody_tRaw event format
 CAnitaEventFull_tFull event format – never used
 CAnitaEventHeader_tANITA Event Header – Telemetered
 CAnitaEventHeaderVer30_tANITA Event Header – Telemetered
 CAnitaEventHeaderVer33_tANITA Event Header – Telemetered
 CAnitaEventHeaderVer40_tANITA Event Header – Telemetered
 CAnitaGeomToolAnitaGeomTool – The ANITA Geometry Tool
 CAnitaGpsCanvasMakerThe GPS canvas maker
 CAnitaRFCanvasMakerThe SURF and TURF hk display canvas maker
 Clazylookup::arr< N, T >
 CAveragedSurfHkStruct_tAverage Surf Hk – Telemetered
 CBalloonHandles everything related to balloon positions, payload orientation over the course of a flight
 CBaseWavePacketHeader_tEncoded PedSubbed Packet Header – Telemetered
 CCalibStruct_tOn board structure for calibration/relay status
 CChanTriggerClass that handles the channel trigger
 CAcclaim::Clustering::ClusterA position on the continent, with which a bunch of events are associated
 CAcclaim::CmdLineArgsA simple command line option parser
 CCommandEcho_tCommand Echo – Telemetered
 CCommandStruct_tOn board command structre
 CCorrelationFactoryThe correlation factory which takes two waveforms and correlates them
 CCountingHandles event counting as cuts are made
 CAcclaim::CrossCorrelatorA class to take in FiteredAnitaEvents and cross-correlate nearby channels
 CAcclaim::CutOptimizerA class to parse AnitaEventSummary trees, extract quantities of interest, feed them into a TMVA framework and separate them
 CAcclaim::DataQualityMonitorLooks for SURF saturation
 CDiskSpaceStruct_tDisk Space
 CEarthModelShape of the earth, ice thicknesses, profiles of earth layers, densities, neutrino absorption
 CEncodeControlStruct_tNo idea
 CEncodedEventWrapper_tWrapper for data that is written encoded
 CEncodedSurfChannelHeader_tChannel header for encoded data
 CEncodedSurfPacketHeader_tEncoded SURF Packet header – Telemetered
 CAcclaim::Clustering::EventMinimum required information about an ANITA event to be clustered
 CAcclaim::FancyTTreeInterpolatorA class to interpolate sparse, but continuous data in a TTree
 CFFTWComplexThis is a wrapper class for a complex number
 CFilteredAnitaEventThis class is intended to store all the necessary data about an ANITA event for filtering and analysis. It stores the raw and filtered waveforms as well as auxilliary information
 CFilterStrategyA filter strategy defines the sets of filters that are used and provides some introspection abilities. At its most basic level, the strategy will serially apply a set of filters
 CFormulaHolderContains the TTreeFormula and trick TChain into notifying all the formulas
 CAcclaim::FourierBufferA a glorified ring buffer of frequency amplitudes with a TSpectrum to look for CW spikes
 CFullAnalogueStruct_tFull Acromag data structure
 CFullLabChipPedStruct_tPedestal Block – Telemetered
 CFullPedStruct_tPedestal utility
 CFullSurfHkStruct_tSURF Hk – Telemetered
 CFullSurfHkStructVer30_tSURF Hk – Telemetered
 Clazylookup::generic_map< M, K, V >
 CGenericHeader_tThe Generic Header
 CGlobalTriggerGlobal Trigger
 CGpsAdu5PatStruct_tADU5 Postion and Attitude – Telemetered
 CGpsAdu5SatStruct_tADU5 Satellite Info – Telemetered
 CGpsAdu5VtgStruct_tADU5 course and speed info – Telemetered
 CGpsdStartStruct_tGpsd Start Block – Telemetered
 CGpsG12PosStruct_tG12 Position and speed info – Telemetered
 CGpsG12SatStruct_tG12 Satellite Info – Telemetered
 CGpsGgaStruct_tADU5 Postion and Geoid – Telemetered
 CGpsSatInfo_tGps Satellite Info
 CGpsSubTime_tGPS Event Timestamp
 Clazylookup::grid_interpolator< Ndims, Storage >
 CAcclaim::GuiParentInherit from this to draw interactive TGraphs on top of you
 CHkDataStruct_tHk Data Struct – Telemetered
 CIndexEntry_tOn board Index struct
 CInteractionStores everything about a particular neutrino interaction. Interaction
 CAcclaim::InterferometryCacheClass to cache the deltaTs or parts of their calculation for fast map making
 CLabChipChannelPedStruct_tOn board pedestal struct
 CAcclaim::Clustering::LogLikelihoodMethodWorkhorse class: groups events into clusters around bases and other events using the log likelihood method
 CLogWatchdStart_tLogWatchd Start Block – Telemetered
 CLogWatchRequest_tOn board log request struct
 CMagnetometerDataStruct_tThe magnetometer data
 CMonitorStruct_tMonitor Block – Telemetered
 CAcclaim::OutputConventionA class to systematically name files produced by my analysis programs
 CPedCalcStruct_tPedestal utility
 CPedestalStruct_tPedestal utility
 CPedSubbedEventBody_tPedestal subtracted event format
 CPedSubbedSurfPacket_tPedestal subtracted SURF wavefom packet – Telemetered
 CPedSubbedWaveformPacket_tPedsubbed Waveform packet – Telemetered
 CPlaybackRequest_tOn board Playback request
 CPrimariesFunctions you need to generate a primary interaction including cross sections and picking charged current/neutral current and flavor Primaries
 CProcessInfo_tProcess Information
 CAcclaim::ProgressBarPrints a progress bar and timer to stderr
 CQueueStruct_tQueue Stuff
 CRawDataReaderRawDataReader – Raw data reader
 CRawSurfChannelHeader_tThe channel header
 CRawSurfPacket_tRaw SURF wavefom packet – Telemetered
 CRawWaveformPacket_tRaw waveform packet – Telemetered
 CRayRay tracing
 CRunStart_tRun Start Block - Telemetered
 CSBSTemperatureDataStruct_tThe XCR14 temperatures
 CSecondariesSecondary interactions
 CSignalRadiation from interaction
 CSimpleScalerStruct_tDebugging use only scaler data
 CSingleAnalogueStruct_tSingle Acromag data structure
 CSlacTurfioStruct_tThe Old SLAC data TURF I/O struct
 CSlowRateFull_tSlow Rate Block – Telemetered
 CSlowRateHkStruct_tSlow Hk Stuff
 CSlowRateRFStruct_tSlow rate struct
 CSpectraNeutrino spectra
 CSSHkDataStruct_tSS Hk Data Struct – Telemetered
 CSummedTurfRateStruct_tSummed Turf Rates – Telemetered
 CSummedTurfRateStructVer41_tSummed Turf Rates – Telemetered
 CSurfaceWrapper< coarseness >
 CSurfChannelFull_tA complete SURF channel
 CSurfChannelPedSubbed_tA complete pedestal subtracted SURF channel
 CAcclaim::ThermalChainA class to handle loading Thermal Trees into chains and applying cuts
 CTurfioStruct_tThe TURF I/O struct
 CTurfioStructVer30_tEverything below here is for legacy support
 CTurfioStructVer33_tThe TURF I/O struct
 CTurfioStructVer40_tThe TURF I/O struct
 CTurfRateStruct_tTurf Rates – Telemetered
 CTurfRateStructVer41_tTurf Rates – Telemetered
 CTurfRawEventData_tDebugging use only TURF raw event data
 Clazylookup::vec< T >
 CVectorThis class represents a three-vector. Operators are overloaded to provide for the familiar operations of vector addition, subtraction, scalar multiplication and division, and the dot product
 CAnitaEventSummary::WaveformInfoStores information about a coherently summed waveform (filtered/unfiltered/deconvolved) The coherent summing of the waveform corresponds to a direction stored in a PointingHypothesis Units are assumed to be in mV, ns,and GHz
 CYInelasticity distributions: stores parametrizations and picks inelasticities
 CZippedFile_tZipped File – Telemetered
 CZippedPacket_tZipped packet – Telemetered